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Title: Development of scientific reasoning skills test towards in-service and pre-service science teachers
Other Titles: Fen bilimleri öğretmenleri ve öğretmen adaylarına yönelik akıl yürütme becerileri testi’nin geliştirilmesi
Authors: Kocagül Sağlam, Merve
Ünal Çoban, G.
Keywords: Preservice science teachers
Science teachers
Scientific reasoning skills
Test development
Publisher: Ankara University
Abstract: The aim of this study is to develop a multiple choice test for determining inservice and preservice science teachers’ scientific reasoning skill levels which are frequently used in science lessons. This study is in survey model which is one of quantitative research methods. During test development process, existing multiple choice tests about scientific reasoning skills and sample questions were examined. Content validity of prepared pilot question form which consisted of 37 items at the beginning was provided via expert opinions. After completing the revisions, pilot form was implemented to 481 preservice science teachers studying at three different state universities and 48 in service science teachers working at various middle schools. After that, obtained data were subjected to item analysis and tetrachoric correlation based on exploratory factor analysis for construct validity respectively. Ten questions which have lower discrimination indexes than .30 were removed from the test at the end of item analysis. The final form of the test which is moderately difficult (p=0,523) and has high level of dicrimination (r jx =0,480) consisted of 27 items. KR-20 reliability coefficient of the test was found as .812. As a result of construct validity, it was determined that all items whose factor loadings change between .24 and .77 are under one factor. The findings of test development process showed that developed Scientific Reasoning Skills Test can be used as a valid and reliable measurement tool. © 2018, Ankara University. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1305-3515
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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