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Title: Tripolis antik kenti geç antik çağ unguentarium seramikleri arkeometrik çalışmaları
Authors: Duman, Bahadır
Semiz, Barış
Keywords: Unguentarium, archeometry, gehlenite, Tripolis, Denizli.
Abstract: The Tripolis antique city is located in intersection area of the boundaries of Phrygia, Caria and Lydia regions in Hellenistic period at riverbank of Maiandros river in Yenicekent town (Buldan, Denizli). In this study, archeometrical investigation of 10 urguentarium samples from late antique period in Tripolis antique city is aimed. Mineralogical and petrographical properties of the unguentarium samples are determined by Xray diffraction and optical microscopy investigations, chemical compositions are also determined by X-Ray Fluorescence analyses. As a result of optical microscopy and X-ray diffraction analyses, samples were divided into three petrographic groups in terms of mineralogical compositions and textural properties. Group 1 samples consist of abundant quartz, plagioclase, gehlenite, rarely calcite. Group 2 samples consist of plagioglase, quartz, gehlenite and sparicalcite. Quartz contents are intermediate and abundant sparicalcite contents. Group 3 samples have abundant void and rarely quartz, plagioclase, gehlenite. Petrographic differences of the sample groups are reflected in the chemical content. As a result, the firing temperatures of the samples were determined as 900 or 1000oC in the light of interpretation of XRD analyses.
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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