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Title: The effects of a combined portage early childhood education and bobath therapy program in children with intracranial aneurysms: a case report
Authors: Kavlak, Erdoğan
Altuğ, Filiz
Kavlak, Havva Aylin
Tekin, Fatih
Ünal, Ayşe
Kara, Güzin
Acar, Feridun
Publisher: Foundation for Rehabilitation Information
Abstract: Introduction/Background: Cerebrovascular events in childhood are not as often as adults. But lead to similar clinical outcomes. Intracranial aneurysms are the most common causes of subarachnoidal hemorrhage in childhood. The aim of this study is to examine the results of physiotherapy and special education program of the girl Material and Methods: A three years a month -old girl participated in a combined Portage Early Childhood Education and Bobath therapy program. The girl was evaluated before and after the combined therapy program. The Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM), Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS), Functional Independence Measure for Children (Wee-FIM) and the Denver Developmental Screening Test II (DDST II) methods were used to evaluate the girl. The girl received special education per a week and physiotherapy two times a week. The girl followed by a team included neurosurgery, physiotherapists, child development experts and special educators. Results: Before the treatment program, GMFM total score was 21.55%, GMFCS was IV, Wee-FIM total score was 39. According to the DDST II, fine motor developmental age was found to be 7 and gross motor developmental age was identified as 10 Months. After treatment program; after a year: GMFM total score was 87.56%, GMFCS was II and Wee-FIM total score was 77. According to the DDST II, fine motor developmental age was found to be 20 and gross motor developmental age was found to be 21 months, after three years: GMFM total score was 97.5%, GMFCS was I and Wee-FIM total score was 119. According to the DDST II, fine motor developmental age was found to be 70 and gross motor developmental age was found to be 70 months. Conclusion: Mental and motor development can be supported by physiotherapy and special education program in these patients. In order to improve the quality of life of these patients, it is important to start early physiotherapy and special education program.
ISSN: 1650-1977
Appears in Collections:Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu

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