Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 544
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Klimakterik dönemdeki kadınların menapoza ilişkin tutumları ve psikolojik semptomların rolü: Denizli örneğiYağcı, Nesrin ; Şimşek, Şule ; Şenel, Aybike 
2023Üniversite öğrencilerinde üçüncü el sigara dumanı farkındalığının incelenmesi: Tanımlayıcı bir çalışmaTaşvuran Horata, Emel; Ertürk, Abdulkadir; Eraslan, Umut ; Erel, Suat 
2023Determination of the relationship between radiographic parameters and patient-reported outcomes in Lenke type-1 adolescent idiopathic scoliosisArık, İlker ; Büker, Nihal ; Şavkın, Raziye ; Ök, Nusret ; Kıter, Ahmet Esat 
2023Age-Related Hand Grip and Quadriceps Muscle Strength Ratio, Fall Risk, and Balance in Healthy AdultsKızmaz, Erhan ; Karabağ, Muhammet Alper; Özer, Mediha Kübra; Ünver, Fatma 
2023Effect of Yoga and Pilates exercises on lumbar spine physical parameters in healthy womenOkunakol, Vural; Çetin, Sebahat Yaprak; Taşvuran Horata, Emel; Erel, Suat 
2023Effects of whole body vibration on functional capacity and respiratory functions in individuals with stroke: A randomized controlled studyDuray, Mehmet ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Çavlak, Uğur 
2022Effect of Dry Needling in Chronic Musculoskeletal PainUludağ, Veysel; Büker, Nihal 
2022The Effect of Kinesio Tape in Chronic Neck Pain: Randomized Controlled StudyDoğan, Hilal; Aslan Telci, Emine ; Pekesen Kurtça, Mine 
2022Investigation of the effects of clinical Pilates exercises on physical fitness and psychosocial parameters in healthy womenKorkmaz, Ceren; Basakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Gür Kabul, Elif 
2023The Relationship Between Fall Risk, Balance, Posture, Strength, and Functional Parameters In Healthy AdultsErtürk, Abdulkadir; Orhan, Büşra Nur; Malkoç, Sümeyye Özge; Teki̇n, E.; Ünver, Fatma 
2023The reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the self-administered neck mobility assessment tool (s-rom-neck) in patients with chronic neck painÖzden, Fatih; Aslan Telci, Emine ; Şekeröz, Serbay ; Akkaya, Nuray 
2023Expiratory muscle training versus incentive spirometry after colorectal surgeryKızmaz, Erhan ; Gürsoy, Süleyman ; Atalay, Orçin Telli ; Sungurtekin, Uğur 
2023The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on weight gain, physical activity and mental health among Turkish university studentsOymak Soysal, Ayşe Nur ; Şimşek, Şule ; Kaş Özdemir, Atiye ; Baş Aslan, Ümmühan 
2023Describing Effectiveness of Performing International Classification of Function, Disability and Health on Children with Cerebral PalsyAl Sakkaf, Ahmed Hamood; Cavlak, Uğur ; Kavlak, Erdoğan 
2023The Effects of Trunk Impairment on Fatigue and Balance in Children with Cerebral PalsyDuray, Mehmet ; Dengiz, Aziz ; Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Tutar, Şerife
2023Comparison of the effectiveness of late-phase clinic-based and home-based progressive resistance training in female patients with total knee arthroplastyAlsayani, Khaled Yahya Abdullah; Aslan, Ummuhan Bas ; Bayrak, Gökhan ; Savkin, Raziye ; Büker, Nihal ; Güngör, Harun Reşit 
2023The effect of strengthening and aerobic exercises on balance and functional independence levels in students with intellectual disabilitiesAslan, Şehmus ; Tonak, Hasan Atacan; Kavlak, Erdoğan ; Ergin, Ahmet 
2023The Effect of Music on Balance ParametersÜnver, Fatma ; Büke, Meryem 
2023Investigation of effectiveness of reformer pilates in individuals with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trialCaglayan, Berna Cagla; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Gür Kabul, Elif ; Karasu, Uğur 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 544