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Title: Evaluation of lumbar paravertabral muscle activity under different conditions with surface electromyography in low back pain patients
Authors: Cımbız, A
Manisalıgil, U
Beydemir, F
Keywords: Body movement,Low Back Pain, Resting positions, Strengthen exercises, Stretching exercises, Surface Electromyography
Publisher: INSInet Publication
Abstract: The paraspinal muscles are responsible for initiating and controlling all movements of the vertebral column. The aim of study was to evaluate the Lumbar Paravertabral Muscle Activity (LPMA) during different daily living postures and exercises in lower back pain (LBP) patients. Thirty two subjects with nonspecified LBP (F:16,M:16) longer than 3 months and 28 healthy volunteers (F:14,M:14) from Dumlupinar University students were participated to the study. Surface electromyography (µV) signals were measured during the rest positions, body movement, strengthen and stretching exercises. No statistically differences were found between group’s LPMA in resting positions, body movement, strengthen and stretching exercises (p>0.05). Male subjects were performed higher LPMA than female subjects in standing with arms 900 flexion, trunk hyperextension and strengthen exercises in prone positions (p<0.01). Although no statistically differences between LBP and Control groups, we were observed LPMA during resting, body movement and stretching exercises increased and during the stabilization and strengthen exercises decreased in LBP group. LBP patient paravertabral muscles are not enough relaxed and/or effort muscle force during daily living activities.Thus LBP patients may open to micro injuries and reinjuries. Further studied needs which are investigated the LPMA during in daily living activities.
Appears in Collections:Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu

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