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Title: Laodikeia su yasası
Other Titles: Laodikeia water law
Authors: Şimşek, Celal
Abstract: Nymphaeum of Trajan was unearthed at the south end of the western portico of the Stadium Street. This monumental fountain was designed with a single-story façade arrangement and together with the large square before it. The structure is rectangular on the outside but has a semi-circular pool animated with a tabernacled façade, which had become quite fashionable about the end of the first century CE across the Roman Empire. With four granite columns along the front and eight marble columns along the curvature of the façade, crowned with pediments, this monumental fountain served as a tool of political propaganda displaying the might of the Roman Empire and the city of Laodikeia. The inscription known as the ‘Water Law’ was uncovered by the eastern wing of the façade overlooking the square; it addresses common issues such as use of water in the city, its cleanliness, protection of the supply line, its distribution, and properties of the officials in charge of controlling it and fines and punishment foreseen for those not abiding by the rules. Furthermore, this inscription indicates clearly that the fountain was built in 113-114 CE in the reign of Trajan (r. 98-117). The pediment designed like a temple’s pediment and carried by two taller columns on the main façade one housed a sculpture group depicting Emperor Trajan overwhelming Dacian captive, which unveils the importance of the structure. The water was conveyed from the north into an arched basin at the southern end of the western portico of the Stadium Street; this basin supplied in three directions – the main pool in the front, and the lateral pools on the east and west.
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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