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Title: The changing side of art education and a restructuring proposal for a new for Turkey visual arts education
Authors: Mamur, Nuray
Keywords: Postmodernism, Postmodern art education, Contemporary art education, Visual arts teacher education
Publisher: Anadolu Journal of Educational Sciences International, Art Education Special Issue
Abstract: Today, depending on the rapid advancement in technology and informatics, and the globalization, necessity for the increasing lifelong education requires change universities and various training programs. One of these programs, depending on the increase in the visual saturation, is undoubtedly the visual arts education, Today, in the context of the productions of contemporary art, changing aesthetic judgments, and social change, arts education, there is a need to rethink on the content of art education and art teacher education. Today’s artists are no longer engaged in more and more social issues. They more prefer the use of technology in the context of thought to explain. Contemporary art, interdisciplinary approaches are preferred. All media graphics such as film, photography, illustration, interactive networking, and motion blended with each other. New art forms have emerged from these mixtures. The difference between low and high art has obscured. Therefore, art educator must be a close follower of these changes. In this context, this study is based on two aims. In this study primarily was addressed the effects of postmodernism on art and art education. The primary aim of this research is to discuss the effects of postmodernism on art and art education. The other aim is to provide new recommendations for a new constitution about visual arts teacher education in Turkey in terms of the experienced changes in art education.
ISSN: 2146-4014
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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