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Title: Martin Buber’in eleştirel bakış açısından hareketle öğretmene i?lişkin oluşturulan metaforların analizi
Authors: Çermik, Hülya
Güner, Necdet
Keywords: Martin Buber, metaphor, teacher, sculptor, gardener, mentor
Publisher: KEFAD
Abstract: This study is aimed to evaluate metaphors that are developed about “teacher” by taking into consideration Buber’s “critical perspective on teachers”. As in Buber’s critique there are three predetermined metaphors in this study: the teacher-centered, “sculptor”; student-centered, “gardener”; and the synthesis of the two “mentor”. The data were collected from 117 pre-service teachers with a data collection tool, developed by the researchers and contains an open ended metaphor question. In terms of the rules of the qualitative analysis techniques, namely descriptive analysis, the data were analyzed. According to the findings, obtained from the participants, the educational approach, which is likened to a sculptor by Buber and places the teacher at the center, reached to the highest frequency. The gardener metaphor and the mentor metaphor related with student-centered and teacher-student-centered were followed the sculptor respectively. These results indicated that the majority of pre-service teachers have traditional approach in education.
ISSN: 2147-1037
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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