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Title: Börükçü 2003-2006 yılları kazıları
Authors: Söğüt, Bilal
Abstract: The first long term excavations around Stratonikeia were conducted by Osman Hamdi Bey in 1891- 1892 at Lagina. After a long interval, in 1966, excavations resumed under the direction of Y. Boysal at Lagina and nearby at Yarbasi, Bozukbag, Emirler and Koranza. After these short term excavations, those of Y. Boysal at Stratonikeia, beginning in 1977, and A. A. Tirpan’s at the Lagina Hekate Sacred Precinct in 1993, constituted the first phases of this resumed set of excavations. Thus, excavations and researches have been conducted at different settlements ranging from the Early Bronze Age to the Byzantine Period. No work, however, was carried out on the sacred road between the political center Stratonikeia and the religious center Lagina Hekate and the settlements on either side of the road. The sacred road excavations commenced in 2003 also under the direction of A. A. Tirpan; these excavations on the sacred road have revealed, for the first time, the previously unknown nature of its construction, the architectural features and burial customs along with the historical development of the settlements on either side. Borukcu is the settlement located alongside the sacred road where the largest and most detailed work has been carried out. About 6 km distant from Stratonikeia, Borukcu is one of different settlements alongside the sacred way like to Beybag, Kurudere, Tepecik, Osmanbag, Baca, Kumyer, Bozukbag and Emirler. In addition to Borukcu’s location along the sacred way, its nearby water resources and wells, structures and tombs have shown that it was a small but important settlement. Among the structures found during the excavations are roads and streets, houses, olive oil presses, bread and ceramics ovens, a sacred precinct and various tombs. According to first findings, judging from the ruins and the tombs, it has been determined that here was a settlement ranging from 8th century B.C. to 5th century A.D. The numbers of textile workshops and olive oil presses found during the excavations at Borukcu indicate that there was enough production for export. At Stratonikeia and its environ, road and street construction in the Archaic and Classical Period have been fully uncovered and clearly the site directly benefited from prosperity and wealth made possible by the Hekatomnid dynasty of the 4th century B.C. Thanks to the excavations, we were fully able to determine how a sacred precinct in this small settlement was arranged and also how it was planned. Various tombs showing both inhumation and cremation belonging to individuals of different ages have been discovered. Excavations of tombs of a wide variety have led to observations not only of burial rites but also of ceremonies and tomb visits after the burial. Hence, in this work I focus on the general evaluation of the results of the excavations conducted at Borukcu in 2003-2006 and their significance.
ISBN: 978-605-4701-13-1
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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