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Title: Hizmet öncesi Türkçe öğretmenlerinin öğretmeye yönelik endişeleri
Authors: Yaylı, Derya
Hasırcı, Sevi?l
Keywords: Teacher concerns; year group; gender; schooling shift
Abstract: Teachers develop some concerns on teaching starting from their preservice education period. Research has shown contradictory findings related with the developmental sequence of concerns and the effect of gender. A Turkey-specific issue deal with in this study was the effect of schooling shift (day or evening). Thus, this study aims to find the effects of year group, gender and schooling shift on the concerns of the 432 participants enrolled in Turkish language teaching program of a state university in Turkey. The data from the Teacher Concerns Checklist were analyzed with one-way ANOVA to indicate that year group and gender have significant effects on all three types of concerns (self, task, and impact) whereas the schooling shift does not
ISSN: 1307-9581
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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