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Title: Effects of modic changes in lumbar spine on pain intensity, disability and quality of life
Authors: Gülşen, Ç
Altuğ, Filiz
Türkmenoğlu, YO
Cavlak, U
Abstract: Aim: To assess the effects of Modic changes on pain intensity, disability and quality of life. Method: 121 patients were included. Pain intensity was assessed using The McGill Pain Questionnaire, level of disability was assessed using The Oswestry Disability Index and quality of life was assessed using The SF-36 Health Survey. Modic changes were classified into ‘Type0’(no Modic changes), ‘Type1’(Type1 and 1/2) and ‘Type2’(Type2, 2/3 and 3). Results: 76(62.8%) patients had Modic changes. Of these 23(30,3%) had ‘Type1’ and 53(69,7%) had ‘Type2’. In The McGill Pain Rating Index, patients with Modic changes had worse score than patiens without Modic changes(p=0,006), there was no significant difference between Type1 and Type2(p>0.05). Patients with Modic changes had higher level of disability in The Oswestry Disability Index scores, compared to those without Modic changes (p=0,000), there was no significant difference between Type1 and Type2 (p>0.05). Patients with Modic changes had worse score in The SF-36’s dimensions of Physical Functioning (p=0.000), Physical Role Functioning(p=0,000), Bodily Pain(p=0,008), Emotional Role Functioning (p=0.023) and Social Functioning(p=0,002), compared to those who had no Modic changes. In these dimensions, there was significant difference between Type1 and Type2 (p>0.05) except Social Functioning(p=0,030). Modic changes have a negative effect on pain and level of disability but there is no difference between Type1 and Type2. Conclusion: Modic changes have a negative effect on quality of life in terms of dimensions of Physical Functioning, Physical Role Functioning, Bodily Pain, Emotional Role Functioning and Social Functioning. But there is no difference between Type1 and Type2 except Social Functioning.
Appears in Collections:Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu

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