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Title: Investigation of the relationship between neuromotor behavior and pain, comfort, apgar score and clinical factors in premature neonates
Authors: Kavlak, Erdoğan
Tekin, Fatih
Burak, Mustafa
Keywords: Behavior; Premature; Pain; Patient Comfort; Apgar Score
Publisher: Hacettepe University
Abstract: Purpose: Abnormalities detected by neurological examinations and developmental tests performed in premature infants can be transient or severe enough to affect the survival of a baby. Aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between neuromotor behavior and pain, comfort, Apgar Score and clinical factors in premature neonates. Material and Methods: 13 neonates, (M:6, F:7) who were being treated for prematurity diagnosis, were included in study. A clinical data form, pain assessment, comfort evaluation for pain and stress, Apgar Score and neuromotor skills assessment were performed to neonates. Results: Presence of maternal psychological stress during one-year period before birth of baby and male gender caused retardation in terms of neuromotor behavior (p=0,038). Infants whose respiration depends on an inhaler are the worst in neuromotor behavior (p=0,023). There was a positive correlation between neuromotor behavior skills of premature neonate and duration of pregnancy and birth weight, and negative correlation with pain and comfort status (p=0,042). There was no correlation between Apgar Score and neuromotor behavior (p=0,016). Discussion: Presence of maternal psychological stress, male gender, using respiratory device, pain and worse comfort status adversely affect neuromotor skills. Conversely, breastfeeding, longer duration of pregnancy period, and higher birth weight positively affect neuromotor skills. There is no relationship between neuromotor skills and Apgar Score; neuromotor skills and delivery method.
ISSN: 2147-8945
Appears in Collections:Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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