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Title: Building with Mosaics of Olympos: Mosaics of Late Ancient Era – Early Byzantine Period
Authors: Öztaşkın, Muradiye
Keywords: Lycia, Olympos, Byzantine, Building with Mosaics, Thalassa, Season Mosaics
Publisher: Uludağ Üniversitesi / Uludağ University Mozaik Araştırmaları Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi / Mosaic Research Center - AIEMA
Abstract: Ancient city of Olympos, being one of the East Lycian cities, lies over an area located 80 km southwest of Antalya city center. The Building with Mosaics is situated on the northern part, predominated by settlements that belong to Byzantine Period. New buildings were erected over the site during the Early Byzantine Period when it lost its function. it can be asserted that the Building with Mosaics was used as a bath during its first phase from the 3rd to 4th centuries A.D. Mosaic with Thalassa figure is situated in exedra of Room D. The second stage saw the renewal of the walls and the partial re-application of the plan. The studies so far revealed that among the mosaics of the first stage, those in the Rooms C and D were used twice. However, mosaic of the Room G, which was modified in terms of floor plan, was actually planned along with the second floor. The second floor was added when the Building was reconstructed between the end of 5th century and the beginning of the 6th century A.D. Most probably the second construction phase took a long time and the Building was finished with partial alterations from its initially planned state. By the way, the second floor mosaics were added to the Building at this phase.
ISBN: 978-605-5607-81-4
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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