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Title: İbn Sina'nın metafizik kuramı
Other Titles: Metaphysical theory of Ibn Sina
Authors: Kaya, Mustafa
Advisors: Hülya Yaldır
Keywords: Metafizik
Zorunlu Varlık
Mümkün Varlık
Necessary Existence
Possible Existence
Abstract: Bu tez bn Sina'nn metafizik kuram üzerine yazlm"tr. Tez hazrlanrken bn Sina felsefe ve metafizi'ini ilgilendiren birinci ve ikinci dereceden kaynaklar incelenmi" ve kullanlm"tr. Bu tezin temel konular bn Sina'nn varlk tanmlama ve snflamas, zorunlu-mümkün varlk arasndaki ayrm ve son olarak Allah ve Âlem arasndaki ili"kidir. Tez, giri", üç bölüm, sonuç ve kaynakçadan olu"maktadr. Giri" bölümünde, Türk-slam dünyasnda felsefi dü"üncenin ortaya çk" tart"lm"tr. Bunun yannda genel olarak slam filozoflarndaki metafizik dü"üncenin geli"imi irdelenmi"tir. Birinci bölümde, bn Sina metafizi'inde yer alan temel kavramlarn tanm verilmekte olup, devamnda bn Sina'nn varlk kuramn üç ksmda snflandr" ayrntl olarak ele alnm"tr. kinci bölümde, Varlk?Mahiyet Ayrm ile Zorunlu?Mümkün Varlk Ayrm ele alnm" olup daha sonra Zorunlu Varl'n niteliklerinden söz edilmi"tir. Üçüncü bölümde ise Allah-Âlem li"kisi ba"l' altnda; âlemin ezelili'i, sudur teorisi ve son olarak da sebepler teorisi ele alnm"tr. Sudur teorisine âlemin ezelili'i, âlem ve âlemdeki varlklarn kayna'n açklayabilecek bir yöntem olarak ba"vurulmaktadr. Sonuç olarak bu tez çal"mas ile bn Sina metafizik kuramnn temel kavram ve teorileri açk bir biçimde detayl olarak ortaya konulmaya çal"lm"tr.
This thesis has been written on metaphysical doctrine of Ibn Sina. In the course of the preparation of the thesis, both primary and secondary sources, which concern Ibn Sina?s philosophy and metaphysics, have been examined and used. The main issues in the thesis are Ibn Sina?s definition and classification of existence, the difference between necessary and possible existence and finally the relationship between God and the Universe. The thesis consists of introduction, three chapters, conclusion and a bibliography. In Introduction, the generation and the development of the philosophical thought within the Turkish-Islamic world are discussed. Besides, in general, the metaphysical thoughts of the Muslim philosophers have also been examined at this chapter. In chapter one, main concepts of Ibn Sina?s metaphysics are given and the tripartite classification of Ibn Sina?s concept of existence is explained in detail. In chapter two, the distinction between `Existence ? Essence?, `Necessary Existence ? Possible Existence? and the essential attributes of the Necessary Being are mentioned. In chapter three, relation of the universe to God, the eternity of the universe, the doctrine of emanation and the theory of reasons are taken into consideration. The process of emanation is invoked to explain the eternity of the universe and source of the other existents within the possible world. As a result, the aim of the thesis is to give an account of the metaphysical doctrine of Ibn Sina with its basic concepts and theories in detail.
Appears in Collections:Tez Koleksiyonu

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