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Title: Analysing the Effects of Vitamin D on Fibrillary Affinity of Type-II and Musculoskeletal System
Authors: Gönülateş, Süleyman
Dundar, S
Keywords: VDR; 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D; Muscle Fibre Types
Abstract: Vitamin D is identified as an essential vitamin serving as a primer steroid in the metabolic and biological processes in the organism. Since Vitamin D is considered as having a structure of direct-indirect effect for many processes in the organism and its capability to serve as a steroid, it can be also denominated as hormone D.
We did an editorial study which is based on the micro-analyse method, which contains the required definitions under the relevant subject scope, created by syncretizing the information, results and comments obtained from passed and actual studies. It is found that Vitamin D has effects on the muscular functions that the direct effect in respect of increase of the athletic performance (on athletes) has not become definitive, however, that's its deficiency can have negative effects on the performance. It is seen that Vitamin D deficiency has destructive effects on the muscle tissue (muscular atrophy, impairment of the cross-bridge formation, muscle weaknesses). It also causing bone mineralization disorders in adults that causes unfavourable conditions like pain and weakness in the muscles, bone pains, difficulties in walking. And it was determined, that the fibre type, which is mostly affected by such kind of negations occurred particularly in case of its deficiency, is the Type II (particularly muscular atrophy). It has also been defined, that qualified increase in the VDR (Vitamin D receptor) levels can be obtained by means of supplements provided to individuals with Vitamin D deficiency.
ISSN: 2348-5191
Appears in Collections:Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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