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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 344
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023My Jump 2 Mobil Uygulamasının Geçerlilik ve Güvenilirlik AnaliziGür, Fatih ; Ayan, Vedat
2024The Predictive Role of age, Gender, and Body Mass Index on Motor Proficiency of Preschool Children;Ballı, Ö.M.
2024Futbolcularda fransız kontrast yönteminin aktivasyon sonrası performans artışına etkisi: deneysel araştırmaGirginer, Fatma Gözlükaya ; Soyugür, Bürhan; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku 
2024The Effect of Competition Sounds on Balance Performance in Football PlayersTekin, Ebru; Egesoy, Halit ; Unver, Fatma 
2024Comparison of self-esteem in visually impaired adults who participate in sport and those who do not: a cross-sectional studyAracı, Ayça; Aslan, Şehmus ; Kabul Gür, Elif; Baş Aslan, Ümmuhan ; Çalık Başakçı, Bilge 
2024Economic status as a predictor of motivational and affective experiences in physical education and physical activity intentions: a cross-sectional study in six European countriesSaoudi, Ilyes; Sarrazin, Philippe; Papaioannou, Athanasios G.; Krommidas, Charalambos; Borrueco, Marta; Gobbi, Erica; Martins, Joao; Maltagliati, Silvio; Appleton, Paul R.; Erturan, Gokce ; Tessier, Damien; Escriva-Boulley, Géraldine; Ramis, Yago; Demirhan, Gıyasettin; Carraro, Attilio; Duda, Joan L.; Digelidis, Nikolaos; Loules, George; Cheval, Boris; Chalabaev, Aïna
2024Gender equity in sport from the perspective of European women athletes and sport managers, physical education teachers and sport coachesVaquero-Cristobal, Raquel; Mateo-Orcajada, Adrian; Ekmekci, Yeter Aytul Dagli ; Pereira, Antonino; Amin, Shirin; Merono, Lourdes; Gonzalez-Galvez, Noelia; Ballı, Özgür Mülazımoğlu ; Mendes, Francisco; Mbah, Orlando; Abenza-Cano, Lucía; Leiva-Arcas, Alejandro; Doğan, Yeliz İlgar ; Figueiredo, Abel; Ponce-Ramírez, Cristina María; Esparza-Ros, Francisco; Albaladejo-Saura, Mario
2024The Effect of Distance Education Play Activities on the Motor Skills of Children with Down SyndromeUygur, Ezgi Hazal; Aslan, Sehmus 
2023The tolerance tendency and sports engagement levels of kick boxersDeryahanoglu, Gamze; Yilmaz, Ozan; Ozturk, Arda 
2024Do Decision-Making Styles Affect Career Stress? *Bozyiğit, Elif ; Biçer, Turgay
2024Çocuklarda fiziksel okuryazarlık ölçeği’nin Türkçe geçerlik ve güvenirliği: Metodolojik çalışmaKaradağoğlu Topal, Çağla; Alpkaya, Ufuk; Mülazımoğlu Ballı, Özgür 
2024Futbolda farklı açılarda yapılan tekrarlı sprint testleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi: Kesitsel araştırmaTürkdoğan, Harun Emrah; Akbaş, Ayşenur; Alemdaroğlu, Bilal Utku ; Köklü, Yusuf 
2024COVID-19 salgını sürecinde fiziksel aktivitenin ergenlerin psikolojik iyi oluşları üzerine yordayıcı etkisiDaldaş, Ayşe Özge; Erturan, Gökçe 
2024Variation in Match Physical Performance in Turkish Super League Soccer Players by Position Across Four SeasonsAşçi, A.; Köklü, Y. ; Alemdaroğlu, U. 
2024Psychometric Support and Measurement Invariance of a Turkish Version of the Transformational Parenting QuestionnaireYıldırım, Sinan ; Sarıkaya, Serap 
2023Anaerobik hız rezervi: Genel bakış ve güncel yaklaşımlarEgesoy, Halit 
2024Translation and adaptation of the reinjury anxiety inventory , the sport injury rehabilitation adherence scale, and the athletic injury self-efficacy questionnaire into TurkishTürkeri-Bozkurt, Hande; Yıldırım, Sinan ; Brewer, Britton W.; Bayrakçı Tunay, Volga; Koruç, Ziya
2024Personality and motivation of physical activity in adolescent girls: effects of perceived parental support and social physical anxietyFathirezaie, Zahra; Badicu, Georgian; Yağın, Fatma Hilal; Aghdasi, Mohamadtaghi; Sani, Seyed Hojjat Zamani; Abbaspour, Kosar; Mülazimoğlu Ballı, Özgür ; Entezar, Sara; Ardigo, Luca Paolo
2023The Relationship Between Physical Activity and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Social-Physique Anxiety and Self-EsteemYildirim, S. ; Özgökçe, G.
2023Comparison of Various Devices Used in the Evaluation of Vertical Jump HeightKöklü, Ö. ; Alptekin, A. ; Korkmaz, H.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 344