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Title: Investigation of the usability of travertine quarry wastes as concrete aggregate
Other Titles: Denizli bölgesi traverten artıklarının beton agregası olarak kullanılabilirliğinin incelenmesi
Authors: Çobanoğlu, İbrahim
Çelik, Sefer Beran
Cam, Osman
Etiz, Hüseyin
Kurşun, Mahmut
Keywords: Travertine; Waste; Aggregate
Abstract: Denizli basin is one of the most important travertine deposition area around the world. Kaklik, Kocabas, Honaz, Asagidagdere, Akkoy, Civril are major production areas. Tectonic activity in the region has been negatively affected the block production efficiency in the quarries. Quarry wastes by wire cutting are collected in waste disposal areas and these materials do not use for any other purposes. In this study, investigation of usability of different sized travertine quarry wastes in concrete as aggregate is aimed. For this purpose, physico mechanical properties of aggregates were investigated and concrete mixtures were prepared. Strength of 7, 28 and 56 days concrete samples which are targeted of C30 concrete class were also determined. Strength of prepared travertine aggregated concrete compared to still being produced concrete. For comparison, all procedures were performed for limestone aggregated concrete. Thin sections were prepared for investigations of distribution and coupling of grains in cement material under polarizan microscope. 32.80-42.70 MPa and 39.34-46.04 MPa strengths were determined for travertine aggregated and limestone aggregated concretes respectively. By using travertine aggregate, limit values for C30 concrete class have been reached. This study demonstrates that the travertine quarry wastes can be used as aggregates in concrete. In Denizli region there is no concrete firm use travertine wastes as aggregate. It is thought that, as an alternative building material travertine can be used in production of brick, curbs, keystone and various materials. For this aim more detailed experimental studies on travertines are needed.
ISSN: 1300-7009
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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