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Title: Prospective Social Studies Teachers Self-Efficacy Perceptions' on Some General Geographical Subjects and Their Teaching Procedures
Other Titles: Sosyal bilgiler öğretmen adaylarının bazı genel coğrafya konuları ve bunların öğretimi ile ilgili öz-yeterlik algıları
Authors: Akengin, H
Sahin, CT
Kaya, B
Bengic, G
Sargin, S
Keywords: Social Studies; geography; general geography; self efficacy;
self-efficacy perception
Abstract: Answers to the following questions were examined in this study, which aims to determine the prospective Social Studies teachers' self-efficacy perceptions on geographical subjects and their teaching procedures:
1-What are the prospective Social Studies teachers' self-efficacy perceptions on general geographical subjects and their teaching procedures?
2-Do the prospective Social Studies teachers 'self-efficacy perceptions on general geographical subjects and their teaching procedures differentiate according to the variables of gender, university, type of high schools which they graduated from, and whether they like the geography course or not?
Within the scope of survey model, the mixed model was used in this study. A scale developed by the researchers and consisting of 41 questions was used as a measurement tool. 28 items of the scale were three-point Likert-type and 13 of them were five-point Likert-type.
The universe of the study consisted of students studying at Faculties of Education, which educate Social Studies teachers, and the sample consisted of final-year students studying at the Social Studies Education Departments of six universities.
Data, which are collected by the measurement tool were analyzed on computer environment and interpreted in the context of the literature. Although the ratio of prospective Social Studies teachers who think that they have competency towards teaching general geographical subjects is high, it has been established that there were a few prospective teacher who were incompetent in some themes such as "earth's formative stages, pressure centers on earth and their impacts, as well as the internal forces affecting formation of the earth's formation process".
It is expected that the results, which were obtained from this study would provide benefits in terms of improvement of self-efficacy perceptions of prospective Social Studies teachers on geographical subjects and their teaching procedures.
ISSN: 1303-2429
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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