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Title: The Relationships Between Student Teachers' Procrastination Behaviors, and Decision Making Styles
Other Titles: Öğretmen adaylarının davranışlarındaki erteleme eğiliminin karar verme stilleri ile ilişkisi
Authors: Balkis, M
Keywords: Procrastination; Academic Procrastination; Decision Making Styles;
Student Teacher
Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate relationships between student teachers' procrastination behaviors, and their decision making styles in terms of psycho - social variables. The participants were 984 (589 female and 395 male) who study different major fields at the Faculty of Education in Pamukkale University. Age range varied from 16 to 31. In this study, Aitken's Academic Procrastination Inventory and Decision Making Style Inventory were used to gather data. The analysis show that academic procrastion was negatively related to the rational decision making style while positively related to avoidant and spontanous decision making styles. Additionally it is noticed that procrastination acquires a different character in connection with different genders, grade, major field, time preferences for the study, academic achievement, and source of motivation. Implications of findings were discussed and some suggestions were made for the educator, psychological counselor, and mental health professions in details.
C1 [Balkis, Murat] Pamukkale Univ, Egitim Fak, Rehberl & Psikol Danismanl ABD, Denizli, Turkey.
ISSN: 1301-0085
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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