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Title: Characterization of Salmonella isolated from organically reared poultry located in the same longitude with three distinct seasonal characteristics
Authors: İncili, Gökhan Kürşad
Koluman, Ahmet
Dikici, Abdullah
Kahraman, Tolga
Ünlü, Abdullah Teoman
Keywords: Salmonella
Organic Poultry
Publisher: Wiley
Source: 2
Abstract: This study is designed to determine Salmonella prevalence in organic poultry farms and slaughterhouse in three different regions with distinct seasonal characteristics. Salmonella strains were isolated from organic reared poultry farm environment (water, feed, and feces) and poultry meat samples (neck skin and breast meat). Antibiotic resistance and 16S rRNA profiles were demonstrated with alignment scores. Salmonella spp. prevalences according to regions were, 51 of 200 (25.50%) samples taken from Region A, 77 of 200 (38.50%) samples taken from Region B, 105 of 200 (52.50%) samples taken from Region C. Serotyping of the strains revealed that S. Typhimurium and S. Enteritidis are the most dormant strains among all strains. Antibiotic susceptibility of the strains revealed that major resistance against ampicillin. This study is held for an awareness rising about the possible impact of seasonality related with food borne pathogens prevalence. Practical applications Poultry meat and meat products account for approximately one-third of all Salmonella infections in humans. The relation between environmental temperature and foodborne pathogens is a complex matter, which has not been investigated widely and is hard to predict. The data obtained in this study indicate a significant high prevalence in warm region, which may be evaluated as a possible key for environmental temperature effect on foodborne pathogens distribution in organically reared poultry. In addition, this study provides important information to show the sources of contamination steps ranging from farm to fork in organically reared poultry.
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
Teknoloji Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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