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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 562
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Eklemeli İmalat ile Üretilen Polilaktik Asit Örneklerin Darbe Özellikleri Üzerine Deneysel Bir ÇalışmaBolat, Çağın; Ergene, Berkay 
2023Öngerilmeli Poliamid 6 Dişlilerin Teorik ve Sonlu Elemanlar Yöntemiyle Hesaplananyorulma Ömürlerinin Deneysel Sonuçlarla KarşılaştırılmasıCan, Hilal 
2023Eriyik Yığma Modellemeye Dayalı 3b Baskılı Pla ve Tok Pla Malzemelerinin Aşınma Özelliklerinin Deneysel Olarak DeğerlendirilmesiTan, Engin 
2023Türkiye’de Perakende Olarak Satışa Sunulan Bazı El Yapımı İtalyan Peynirlerinin Mikrobiyolojik Kalitesinin BelirlenmesiKevenk, Tahsin Onur ; Koluman, Ahmet 
2025Advancement of tribological properties of AA 5083 aluminum matrix composite through the incorporation of micro- and nano-copper ferrite reinforcements synthesized from mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) using a green synthesis method;Işıtan, A. ; Sulak, M. ; Özen, F.; Onar, V. 
2024Applications and characterization methods of nonwovens in biomedical fieldAltintaş, F.; Koluman, A. 
2025Catanionic synergetic effect of sodium dodecyl sulphate and cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide surfactants on the electrochemical performance of porous carbon anodes in lithium-ion batteriesGuner, Y. ; Dermenci, K. B.; Guner, A. T. ; Turan, S.
2025Towards sustainable combustion: A comprehensive exergoeconomic and exergoenvironmental analysis with LCA integration for an RCCI engineDogan, Battal; Halis, Serdar ; Arslan, Ahmet
2025Synthesis, characterization and evaluation of the photochemical properties and photothermal conversion capacities of mo<sub>2</sub>ctx-mxene@fuc nanohybridsYurt, Fatma; Tuncel, Ayca; Kaya, Gul; Sert, Buse; Ozel, Derya; Harputlu, Ersan; Unlu, Cumhur Gokhan ; Ocakoglu, Kasim
2025Influence of silane coating and graphene oxide integration on the magnetothermal behaviors of la1-xsrxmno3 nanoparticlesSert, Buse; Kaya, Gul; Cicek, Sinem; Harputlu, Ersan; Simsek, Telem; Tekgul, Atakan; Unlu, C. Gokhan ; Yurt, Fatma; Ocakoglu, Kasim
2024Synthesis, characterization, and investigation of photochemical and in vitro properties of novel Zn(II) phthalocyanineYildiz, Yasemin Baygu ; Kabay, Nilgun ; Yildiz, Burak ; Omeroglu, Ipek ; Durmus, Mahmut ; Karagur, E. Riza ; Gok, Yasar 
2024A Novel Modulation Technique for Half Bridge Multilevel InverterÖzdemir, S. ; Ortatepe, Z. 
2025Sustainable Production of Microcrystalline and Nanocrystalline Cellulose From Textile Waste Using Hcl and Naoh/Urea TreatmentIsitan, Arzum ; Pasquardini, Laura; Bersani, Massimo; Gok, Cem ; Fioravanti, Simona; Lunelli, Lorenzo; Koluman, Ahmet 
2024Investigation of the factors affecting the strength of a metal-rubber interface joined by vulcanization: a reviewKutlubay, Ramazan Cagri ; Sekercioglu, Tezcan 
2024Tribologically enhanced self-healing hybrid laminates for wind turbine applicationsHasirci, Kemal; Ergene, Berkay ; Irez, Alaeddin Burak
2025Selective synthesis of ZnO nanorods on graphene for solar cell applicationsPeksu, Elif; Yener, Cigdem; Unlu, C. Gokhan ; Kulakci, Mustafa; Karaagac, Hakan
2025Comparison of Vibration Values of Rotating Discs With Variable Parameters Obtained by Finite Element Analysis Modeling With Different Machine Learning AlgorithmsCallioglu, Hasan ; Muftu, Said ; Koplay, Candas Nuri
2024Experimental investigation on the mechanical properties of Ti6Al4V cellular structures produced with selective laser melting: Effects of rib thickness, unit cell type and orientationErgene, Berkay ; Yalcin, Bekir
2024Wear properties of Al6061/SiC + B4C + TiC hybrid composites produced by vacuum infiltration methodDuru, Nurcihan; Kaner, Sidem ; Kaplan, Yavuz ; Sever, Nimet Kardes ; Ozer, Alpay; Aksoz, Sinan 
2024Influence of Different Sintering Techniques on the Wear Properties of Al-15Si-2.5Cu-0.5Mg/B4C CompositesOzer, Melika; Kaplan, Yavuz ; Ozer, Alpay; Aksoz, Sinan 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 562