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Title: Borlama işleminin Vanadis 4 çeliğinin aşınma direnci üzerine etkisi
Other Titles: Effect of boronizing on the wear resistance of Vanadis 4 steel
Authors: Kutlubay, Ramazan Çağrı
Işıtan, Arzum
Gürcan, Yasin
Keywords: Borlama, Vanadis 4, Soğuk İş Takım Çeliği, Aşınma
Boriding, boronizing, Vanadis 4, Cold Work Tool Steel, Wear
Abstract: In this study, Vanadis 4 (V-4) cold work tool steel was boronized in a solid medium which contains Ekabor II. The boronizing parameters were selected as to be at 900 and 950 °C for 6 and 8 hours. The wear tests were carried out in accordance with ASTM G99 standard using a pin-on-disc apparatus under dry sliding conditions. Wear experiments were performed applying two different loads (20 N and 30 N) at three different sliding distances (600 m, 900 m, 1200 m). The wear behavior of the boronized and untreatment V-4 steel was examined, and effect of the boride coating on the changes of wear resistance was analyzed.
ISBN: 978-605-4444-16-8
Appears in Collections:Teknoloji Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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