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Title: Doğu Kazakistan’da Eleke Sazı Göktürk Mezar Külliyesi
Other Titles: The Memorial Cult Complex of Turkic Khaganate At Eleke Sazı, East Kazakhstan
Authors: Kutlu, Mehmet
Keywords: Eastern Kazakhstan, Tarbagatai, Eleke Sazy, Turkic Khaganate, Memorial Complex
Abstract: Eleke Sazy is a valley located within administrative borders of Tarbagatay district of Eastern Kazakhstan region. As a result of the archaeological surveys conducted between 2016 and 2018, more than 300 kurgans dating to the wide period of time from 9th century B.C. to 7th century A.D. were identified. Primarily, the discovery of the memorial cult-complex of the Western Turkic Khaganate, attracts particular attention. Eleke Sazı is the significant discovery from the perspective of Pre-Islamic Turkic Art and Archaeology because it is the first and only memorial cult complex of Turkic Khaganate have determined outside of Mongolia until present. As a result of the archaeological studies and excavations conducted in Eleke Sazy in 2019, it has been possible to obtain important information regarding features of the architectural plan of the memorial cult complex of Turkic Khaganate. The memorial cult complex consists of “Bar?q” or temple, ceremonial pathway and additional structures located in the eastern part. Furthermore, the statue with the all characteristics of a Turkic Khagan made of granite from the same complex is also of great importance. It is expected that through the excavations to be conducted in the coming years, features of architectural plan of the Turkic memorial complex will be revealed and examined in detail
ISBN: 978-605-7673-46-6
Appears in Collections:Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Koleksiyonu

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