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Title: The Effect of Kinesio Tape in Chronic Neck Pain: Randomized Controlled Study
Authors: Doğan, Hilal
Aslan Telci, Emine
Pekesen Kurtça, Mine
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to compare the effects of Kinesio tape and conventional physiotherapy in addition to home exercise in patients with chronic neck pain. Material-Method: A total of 44 individuals were randomly divided into two groups. Conventional physiotherapy methods were applied to all subjects for 15 sessions. In addition to the study group, Kinesio tape application was performed each session. Pain, pressure pain threshold, range of motion, muscle strength, muscle endurance, pectoralis minor muscle length, disability level, quality of life, and depressive symptoms were evaluated. The first evaluation was conducted prior to the Kinesio tape application, the second was conducted 24 hours after the procedure, and the third was after 15 sessions. Results: A significant improvement was obtained in depression scores, muscle endurance, and patient satisfaction in favor of the study group (respectively p = 0.021, p=0.029, p= 0.009). Conclusion: Kinesio tape can be used to increase muscle endurance in the short term. Also, it can be said that Kinesio tape application provides additional benefits to the conventional physiotherapy method in terms of treatment satisfaction.
ISSN: 2717-7491
Appears in Collections:Fizik Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon Yüksekokulu Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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