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Title: Evaluation of Social Studies Teacher Training Program in Terms of 21st Century Skills
Authors: Bozkurt, Fisun
Keywords: 21st century skills
teacher education
social studies education
Publisher: Dergipark Akad
Abstract: The purpose of this study, in which the mixed explanatory method was used, is to reveal how sufficient the current social studies teaching undergraduate program is in providing 21st-century skills, from teacher candidates' perspective. Survey design was used in the quantitative dimension, and phenomenology pattern was used in the study's qualitative dimension. The 21st century skills scale was used to collect the quantitative data, and the semi-structured interview form was used to collect the qualitative data. Since quantitative and qualitative research models were employed together in the study, a sample was taken from the research universe, and the study group was determined. The sample of the study consisted of 335 social studies teacher candidates studying at a state university. The findings of the study revealed that the social studies teacher training program is better in acquiring cooperation and communication skills among 21st century skills, but it is not sufficient in acquiring teaching skills in global connections and digital environments. In addition, the findings indicate that although the 21st century skills are included in the social studies teacher training program as the skills to be acquired, these skills are not employed in the learning processes. It is essential that the educational experiences presented by teacher educators to be a model for teacher candidates to use 21st century skills. Teacher educators should also understand the importance of how the content is taught as well as what is taught. Especially in teacher training programs, a detailed program and assessments targeting these skills should be included.
ISSN: 1301-0085
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
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