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Title: Evaluation of Stress Levels of Dental Implants in Different Macrogeometry in Type 2 Bone: A Finite Element Analysis
Authors: Dere, Kadriye Ayca
Akkocaoglu, Murat
Keywords: dental implant
dental implantation
dental stress analysis
finite element analysis
Single Tooth Implants
Primary Stability
Drilling Parameters
Publisher: Marmara Univ, Inst Health Sciences
Abstract: Objective: Implant geometry has an impact on the initial implant stability in the surrounding bone, stress distributions, and long-term success. The purpose of this finite element study was to measure and compare the stress values formed during the stepwise placement of conical and cylindrical implants in the Type 2 bone. Methods: Conical and cylindrical implants (3.75-mm in diameter, 10-mm in length) were planned to be placed in the Type 2 bone. Stresses during insertion of the implants with clockwise torque of 450 N were measured 0.5-, 1-, and 1.5-mm distance from the implant and 2-10 mm depths between two millimeters apart. Maximum and minimum principal stresses and von Mises stresses in the cortical and trabecular bone were evaluated with a three-dimensional finite element analysis. Results: The conical implant was created higher stress values than the cylindrical implant in the same condition, and the cortical bone showed higher stresses than the trabecular bone during the placement of both implants. Besides, the stress values were decreased as the depth increased and the distance from the implant decreased, as the depth increased from 2-mm to 10-mm and the distance from the implant decreased from 1.5-mm to 0.5-mm. Conclusion: When the stresses generated in the cortical and trabecular bone surrounding the implant were evaluated, the cylindrical implant was found to be more advantageous than the conical implant of the same length and diameter.
ISSN: 2459-1459
Appears in Collections:Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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