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Title: The numerical analysis of response and stability of stone masonry bridges in aizanoi antique city in kütahya province of turkey
Authors: Tomiyama J.
Suda Y.
Aydan Ö.
Kumsar H.
Özer E.
Keywords: Dynamics
Flood control
Masonry bridges
Flood protection
Loading condition
Site investigations
Stone bridges
Masonry materials
Publisher: CRC Press/Balkema
Abstract: Aizanoi or Azan antique city was first established by Phrygians and later become a part of Roman Empire. This city was the first city in the world to construct the flood protection measures such as dams and embankment walls. Out of the four stone masonry bridges, two masonry bridges are remaining and they are still used today. The authors carried out some site investigations and surveying of these remaining stone bridges. In this study, the response and stability of stone bridges are investigated using finite element method under various loading conditions. Furthermore, some Eigen value analysis utilizing the FEM were also carried out, and the results of the investigations and analyses are presented and discussed. © 2019 Taylor & Francis Group, London.
Description: Rock Dynamics Summit, RDS 2019 -- 7 May 2019 through 11 May 2019 -- 244899
ISBN: 9780367347833
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection

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