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Title: Investigation the applicability of achievements in the 2018 visual arts teaching program
Other Titles: 2018 görsel sanatlar öğretim programındaki kazanımların uygulanabilirliğinin incelenmesi
Authors: Yurdakal İ.H.
Keywords: Art education
primary school
visual art
Publisher: T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi
Abstract: Visual arts lesson enables explain students’ feelings and thoughts with sound, Picture and so on, it is also important in terms of giving an aesthetic and artistic perspective. Visual Arts is a lesson in the curriculums from the 1st grade to the 8th grade of the primary school, but the weekly course hour is only one. It is thought-provoking that a lesson which is of great importance in the development of the mental, emotional and psycho-motor skills of the individual is one of the weekly course hours. One of the most important points of the visual arts course program is the achievements. It is important in terms of the effectiveness of the program that the achievements that indicate the knowledge and skills required to be obtained by the student are available. In this context, in this research, 1.- 4. Grade the visual arts curriculum’-which was updated in 2018-applicability of the achievements of the classes was measured. The research is structured with qualitative research patterns. In the study, the achievements in the visual arts curriculum of 2018 were examined by 10 visual arts teachers, 10primary school teachers and 5 academicians. In the study, “achievement applicability chart” prepared by the researcher was used to collect the data. For each acquisition, 20 teachers and 5 academicians were interviewed and the percentage of consensus was calculated and the applicability of the achievements was indicatedwith %. According to the results of the research 1–4. most of the achievements prepared in the entire grades are not suitable for the student level, especially the discrete thinking skills are acquired in the primary school 1–2were not practicable. It can be said that 4. Grade achievements cannot be applied in classes and it is more suitable to the level of students than other classes. © 2019. All Rights Reserved.
ISSN: 1302-5600
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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