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Title: Design of multi-cell tailored property columns under oblique loading
Authors: Öztürk, İsmail
Keywords: energy absorption (EA)
peak crushing force (PCF)
oblique loading
multi-cell column
tailored property
boron steel
Abstract: In this study, the crashworthiness performance of a multi-cell column designed from B1500HS boron steel with three different hardness values and six different regional hot-formed designs were compared in terms of passenger safety. Energy absorption and peak crushing force values of the columns were examined by impact simulations under oblique loading. “T25 heat-treated column” gave the highest energy absorption value, while "O25 heat-treated column" gave the lowest peak crushing force value. Regional hot-formed columns’ energy absorption and peak crushing force values resulted in between these two homogeneous heat-treated columns, except for the fifth and eighth designs. It has been shown that regional hot forming has a significant effect on the crashworthiness performance of the multi-cell columns under oblique loading.
ISSN: 2587-0963
Appears in Collections:Teknoloji Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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