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Title: The Effects of Nintendo Wii® Balance Training on Cases with Chronic Knee Problems: A Randomised Controlled Trial
Authors: Aksoy, Cihan Caner
Baş Aslan, Ümmühan
Taşpınar, Ferruh
İnal, Sermet
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to examine the effects of Nintendo Wii® (NW) Balance Training on the balance and muscle strength of patients with chronic orthopedic knee problems. Methods: The design of the study is a randomized controlled trial. A total of 40 volunteers with chronic orthopedic knee problems were randomly divided into NW and control groups with odd-even rule (ratio 1:1). Participants were assessed at the first session, at the end of the study (6 weeks). Balance was evaluated using the Kinesthetic Ability Trainer® (KAT) and Single Leg Stance Test (SLST), while muscle strength of hip flexor, extensor and abductor, knee flexor and extensor, and dorsiflexor were tested using a Hand-Held Dynamometer. Results: A total of 33 volunteers analysed. In the study group (n=15), statistically significant differences were observed in the KAT parameters (p<0.05, dppc2: 0.13-1.09), SLST results (p<0.01, dppc2: 0.78-0.99), and strength (p<0.01, dppc2: 0.41-1.35) after training compared to the baseline values and no significant change was observed (p>0.05) in the control group (n=18). Conclusion: The results indicated that balance training using NW was effective for the balance and muscle strength of patients with chronic orthopedic knee problems.
ISSN: 2717-9443
Appears in Collections:Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Fakültesi
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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