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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Orta Yaşlı Kadınlarda Spinal Ağrının Jinekolojik ve Obstetrik BelirleyicileriŞimşek, Şule ; Yağcı, Nesrin 
2025The effect of wrist position sense and tactile recognition on manual skills in patients with upper extremity neuropathyAkman, T.C. ; Gunes, M.I. ; Kitis, A. ; Erdogan, C. 
2025The effect of myofascial release applied to thoracolumbar fascia on flexibility, muscular endurance, and balance in healthy young adults: a single-blind randomized controlled trialOzdemir, Hatice; Aslan, Ummuhan Bas ; Tonak, Hasan Atacan; Kal, Ibrahim Cagda
2025Therapeutic neuroscience education in fibromyalgia: a randomized controlled trialKabul, Elif Gur; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Aslan, Ummuhan Bas ; Karasu, Ugur 
2025The Effects of Neurodynamic Mobilization Exercises on Upper Extremity Pain, Muscle Strength, and Functions in Patients With Multiple Sclerosis: a Randomised Controlled, Single Blinded StudyTat, Hatice Adiguzel; Kirmaci, Zekiye Ipek Katirci; Erel, Suat ; Berktas, Deniz Tuncel; Inanc, Yilmaz
2024The Relationship Between the Functional Status of the Extremities and "core" Stabilization in Women With FibromyalgiaKuru, Sinem; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Kabul, Elif Gur; Yigit, Murat 
2025Effect of Neurodevelopmental Treatment on Fall Risk and Balance in Children With Spastic Cerebral Palsy: Randomized Controlled TrialTekin, Fatih ; Yarar, Feride 
2024Reliability and Validity of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia in Patients With Traumatic Hand-Forearm InjuriesEraslan, Umut ; Kitis, Ali ; Ozdemir, Hande Usta ; Senol, Hande ; Demirkan, Ahmet Fahir ; Ozcan, Ramazan Hakan ; Ozgur, Emral
2025Effect of the Strategy Game Mangala on Cognitive Function, Anxiety, Depression, and Fine Motor Skills in Individuals With Alzheimer's Disease: a Randomized Controlled TrialDengiz, Aziz ; Cetisli-Korkmaz, Nilufer ; Kitis, Aysegul
2024The Validity and Reliability of the Turkish version of Modified Medical Research Council Dyspnea Scale in Systemic Sclerosis Patients with Interstitial Lung DiseaseKabul, Elif Gur; Demir, Pervin; Balkisli, Berna Cagla; Ulutas, Firdevs; Yenil, Sinem ; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Cobankara, Veli 
2024Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon bölümü öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları, sağlık okuryazarlığı ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesiTekin, Fatih ; Ören, Gönül Kılavuz
2024Comparison of the quality of life of mentally and physically disabled children and their healthy siblingsKavlak, Erdoğan ; Erdoğmuş, Server; Kavlak, Ebru; Yalçın, Gülay
2024Trunk flexor and extensor muscle strength capacity in healthy ındividualsUnver, Fatma ; Kabul, Elif Gur; Buke, Meryem; Bayram Unver
2025The validity of Turkish version of Social Frailty Index in older adults: An index of social attributes predictive of mortalityGur, Kabul, E.; Aksoy, C.C.; Basakci, Calik, B. 
2024Which Disability Domain(s) of Health Assessment Questionnaire Is Associated with Which Age Category in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Single Center Cohort StudyGür, Kabul, E.; Balkişli, B.Ç.; Kuru, S.; Başakçi, Çalik, B. ; Karasu, U. ; Çobankara, V. 
2024The Effect of Competition Sounds on Balance Performance in Football PlayersTekin, Ebru; Egesoy, Halit ; Unver, Fatma 
2024Comparison of self-esteem in visually impaired adults who participate in sport and those who do not: a cross-sectional studyAracı, Ayça; Aslan, Şehmus ; Kabul Gür, Elif; Baş Aslan, Ümmuhan ; Çalık Başakçı, Bilge 
2024Effectiveness of Mulligan Mobilization Technique and Core Stabilization Exercises in Female Patients With Knee Osteoarthritis: a Randomized Controlled Single-Blind StudyBuke, Meryem; Unver, Fatma ; Sekeroz, Serbay; Oztekin, Saadet Nur Sena
2024Biopsychosocial conditions of patients in the rheumatology department of a university hospitalGür Kabul, Elif ; Taşkın, Fatma; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Çobankara, Veli 
2024The relationship between physical activity and self-esteem among Turkish university students: a gender perspective; a multidisciplinary and multi-center studyDoymaz, Fadime; Topukçu, Özge Çakır; Atalay, Orçin ; Özkeskin, Mehmet; Şenol, Hande 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 84