Fizyoterapi ve Rehabilitasyon Fakültesi Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 74
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyon bölümü öğrencilerinin sağlıklı yaşam biçimi davranışları, sağlık okuryazarlığı ve fiziksel aktivite düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesiTekin, Fatih ; Ören, Gönül Kılavuz
2024Comparison of the quality of life of mentally and physically disabled children and their healthy siblingsKavlak, Erdoğan ; Erdoğmuş, Server; Kavlak, Ebru; Yalçın, Gülay
2024Trunk flexor and extensor muscle strength capacity in healthy ındividualsUnver, Fatma ; Kabul, Elif Gur; Buke, Meryem; Bayram Unver
2025The validity of Turkish version of Social Frailty Index in older adults: An index of social attributes predictive of mortalityGur, Kabul, E.; Aksoy, C.C.; Basakci, Calik, B. 
2024Which Disability Domain(s) of Health Assessment Questionnaire Is Associated with Which Age Category in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis? A Single Center Cohort StudyGür, Kabul, E.; Balkişli, B.Ç.; Kuru, S.; Başakçi, Çalik, B. ; Karasu, U. ; Çobankara, V. 
2024The Effect of Competition Sounds on Balance Performance in Football PlayersTekin, Ebru; Egesoy, Halit ; Unver, Fatma 
2024Comparison of self-esteem in visually impaired adults who participate in sport and those who do not: a cross-sectional studyAracı, Ayça; Aslan, Şehmus ; Kabul Gür, Elif; Baş Aslan, Ümmuhan ; Çalık Başakçı, Bilge 
2024Effectiveness of mulligan mobilization technique and core stabilization exercises in female patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled single-blind studyBuke, M.; Unver, F. ; Sekeroz, S.; Oztekin, S.N.S.
2024Biopsychosocial conditions of patients in the rheumatology department of a university hospitalGür Kabul, Elif ; Taşkın, Fatma; Calik, Bilge Basakci ; Çobankara, Veli 
2024The relationship between physical activity and self-esteem among Turkish university students: a gender perspective; a multidisciplinary and multi-center studyDoymaz, Fadime; Topukçu, Özge Çakır; Atalay, Orçin ; Özkeskin, Mehmet; Şenol, Hande 
2024Pandemi Döneminde Nöroloji Servisinde Yatan Hastalarda COVID-19 Öyküsünün Kaygı Düzeyleri ve Uyku Kalitesi Üzerine EtkisiAkman, Tuba Can ; Yarar, Feride ; Yılmaz, Ayşenur ; Tekin, Selma 
2024Investigation of Physical Fitness in Children and Adolescents with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: A Case–Control StudyBozcuk, S.; Basakcı, Calık, B. ; Kabul, E.G. ; Ekici, Tekin, Z. ; Yüksel, S. 
2024Fizyoterapi ve rehabilitasyonda elektrik stimülasyonu için klinik anahtar
2024Physical and psychological effects of neuromuscular integrative activity vs Pilates on sedentary femalesAracı, Ayca; Aslan, Ummuhan Bas 
2024Effect of sensory integrity and cognitive functions on fall history, balance and quality of life in elderly individualsBuke, Meryem; Tıkaç, Gülsüm ; Çalık, Bilge Basakci 
2024Comparison of psychometric properties of the dual-task timed up-and-go test (cognitive) and the 3-m walk backward test in community-dwelling stroke patientsTaşvuran, Horata, E.; Eken, F.; Taşkın, G.; Kara, G. ; Yeşil, H.; Adar, S.; Baskan, E. ; Dündar, Ümit
2024The efficacy of myofascial release at the cervicothoracic region in patients with rotator cuff repairs: A randomized controlled pilot studyUysal, Sümeyye Cildan ; Yorukoglu, Ali Çağdaş ; Kitis, Ali ; Büker, Nihal 
2024Relationship of smartphone use time with cervical range of motion, shoulder-girdle muscle strength, posture, and neck pain in university studentsYılmaz, Aysenur ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Doğru Hüzmeli, Esra
2024The effect of obesity in individuals with ankylosing spondylitis: A single center cohort studyGür Kabul, Elif ; Başakcı Çalık, Bilge ; Kuru, Sinem; Yiğit, Murat ; Çobankara, Veli 
2024Investigation of the relationship between cognitive level and upper extremity functions in patients with chronic strokeAslan, Hilal; Baskan, Emre 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 74