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Title: The Effect of Flipped Learning Physical Education on Students' Knowledge, Skills and Motivation
Authors: Karaman, Bedriye
Arslan, Yunus
Keywords: Flipped classroom
volleyball skills
volleyball content knowledge
Publisher: Sielae & Univ Coruna, Fac Filologia
Abstract: It seems inevitable that the developing technology will be integrated into the field of education. The application of Flipped Learning (FL), which includes a technology component, in physical education will enable us to better understand the reflections of the approach on the lesson. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the FL on students' knowledge, motivation and skill development in physical education. A pretest -posttest matched control group design was used. The participants, whose mean age is 14.5 +/- 1.0, consists of 62 high school students who have just started their school, including 32 experimental (11 boys, 21 girls), 30 control (10 boys, 20 girls ). The FL, which was used in physical education, increased students' knowledge (Z=-4.18, p= .00) and motivation (Wilks' lambda= .16, F(1, 60)= 55.60, p= .00, eta 2= .83) , according to the findings . It only had an impact on the passing technical skill of the volleyball, which was utilized to assess skill development (M= 3.00, Sd= 1.07; p< .05) . As a result, this study offers some evidence that the FL is an important factor affecting students' volleyball content knowledge in physical education and can help to motivate them to participate the lesson. Further studies are needed to test the effect of the FL on skill development in physical education.
ISSN: 2386-8333
Appears in Collections:Spor Bilimleri Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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