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Title: Morphological Characteristics and Pulmonary Function of Naval Saboteurs and Ground Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Montenegro [Características Morfológicas y Función Pulmonar de Saboteadores Navales y Fuerzas Especiales Terrestres de las Fuerzas Armadas de Montenegro]
Authors: Yapıcı, A.
Banjevic, B.
Masanovic, B.
Keywords: Montenegro
Morphological Characteristics
Pulmonary Function
anthropometric parameters
arm length
body composition
body density
body fat
body height
body mass
body volume
chest circumference
chronic obstructive lung disease
clinical article
foot length
foot width
forced expiratory volume
forced vital capacity
hip circumference
hip width
knee diameter
leg length
lung function
lung volume
military personnel
Montenegro (republic)
naval saboteur
peak expiratory flow
shoulder width
subcutaneous fat
waist circumference
waist hip ratio
Publisher: Universidad de la Frontera
Abstract: The results of numerous medical and kinesiological studies indicate the existence of differences in pulmonary function in relation to age, body height, and the relationship between certain parameters of body composition. The aim of this study was to determine the state of morphological characteristics and pulmonary function of naval saboteurs and ground Special Forces of the Armed Forces of Montenegro. The sample of participants included 30 naval saboteurs aged 30.3±6 years and 30 members of the ground special forces aged 25.6±5 years. The sample of measuring instruments included 4 indicators each for the evaluation of longitudinal dimensionality, transversal dimensionality, mass and body volume, subcutaneous fat, body composition, and pulmonary function. The central and dispersion parameters of the variables were calculated. The specificities of body composition of the naval saboteurs and members of the ground Special Forces of the AF of Montenegro were determined, while the parameters of lung volume and capacity and the parameters of airway flow indicated an excellent state of their respiratory function. Furthermore, it was determined that the studied members of the armed forces had no individual health risks in the sense of the onset of obesity or obstructive ventilatory defects. The results obtained indicate the need for further studies which would predominantly focus on the impact of individual morphological measurements and parameters of body composition on pulmonary function. This would provide important data both for the armed forces in the sense of improving the training system and the realization of specific tasks, as well as for kinesiology as a science from the aspect of determining certain regularities in the functioning of the human body in specific living and working conditions in the armed forces. © 2023, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0717-9367
Appears in Collections:Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
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