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Title: The Implementation of Internal Mode Control Method to SEPIC Converter for Battery Charging Systems
Authors: Taşkıncan, Fatih Süleyman
Karaarslan, Ahmet
Ortatepe, Zafer
Abstract: In this paper, internal model control (IMC) method, which is model based approach that offers more robust and better reference tracking capability than conventional controllers for the unstable process, is applied to SEPIC topology used in battery charging system for military implementations. When a system is not based on a plant model, it is possible to encounter some problems such as dead time and non-linearity in controlling of the system. The purpose of the SEPIC topology is to eliminate the disadvantage of other converter types such as buck/boost and cúk converters that are used for similar applications in reversing the output voltage. In addition, a great amount of voltage and current stress on a component causes the power board to overheat in such converters and requires additional cooling equipment. These problems are not encountered in SEPIC topology. Also, this topology provides high efficiency, step-up/step-down voltage conversion, and excellent transient state response over a wide range. The performance of IMC method applied on SEPIC converter is detailed analyzed in terms of simulation studies that are obtained by using MATLAB/Simulink and experimental studies.
ISSN: 2147-9526
Appears in Collections:Teknoloji Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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