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Title: Analysis of Retained Foreign Bodies in the Maxillofacial Region: A Retrospective Study
Authors: Dere, Kadriye Ayça
Abstract: Aim: Retained foreign bodies in the maxillofacial region are caused by trauma, therapeutic procedures, or previous surgeries in which the broken instruments were left behind. They can usually be asymptomatic, but can also cause infections, be swallowed, or block the airway, leading to vital problems. Despite the complications they can cause, one-third of foreign bodies are overlooked during initial clinical and radiographic examinations. Therefore, the presence of foreign bodies and the symptoms they cause will be studied in patients examined during a specific time period. Material and Methods: From December 2020 to August 2022, 6 624 radiological data were collected and retrospectively analysed. The number, characteristics, location of foreign bodies, age, and sex of patients were recorded. Results: Radiologic data from 6624 patients who presented to the oral and maxillofacial clinic between the dates included in the study were reviewed, and 48 patients were found to have retained foreign bodies at a frequency of 0.77%. Of these patients, 22 were male and 26 were female. It was found that most of the retained foreign bodies were located in the mandible (80.85%). The foreign bodies detected were filling materials, canal sealers, drills, bein elevator pieces, buckshots, and dental forceps pieces, with filling materials being found significantly more often than other detected retained foreign bodies (p<0.05). Conclusion: Although most foreign bodies are asymptomatic and may go unnoticed, removal of foreign bodies after their discovery with a careful clinical and radiological examination in the maxillary region is important to prevent possible complications.
ISSN: 2792-0542
Appears in Collections:Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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