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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 30
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Bist Ulaştırma ve Depolama Sektörü Lojistik Performans, Finansal Performans ve Hisse Senedi Fiyatı İlişkisiKaraca, Ahmet 
2025Advancement of tribological properties of AA 5083 aluminum matrix composite through the incorporation of micro- and nano-copper ferrite reinforcements synthesized from mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) using a green synthesis method;Işıtan, A. ; Sulak, M. ; Özen, F.; Onar, V. 
2024Servet Vergilerinin Özel Tasarrufa Etkilerinin Ardl Yöntemi ile AnaliziÖzgün, Mehmet ; Andıç, Nagihan Özkanca 
2024Dijital Oyun Geri Bildirimlerinin Duygu Analizi ile İncelenmesi: E-wom’dan R-wom’a Geçiş Mümkün Mü?Aydın, Oğuzhan ; Sarıca, Yunus
2024Do the Effects of Aggregate and Disaggregate Energy Consumption on Different Environmental Quality Indicators Change in the Transition To Sustainable Development? Evidence From Wavelet Coherence AnalysisYavuz, E. ; Ergen, E. ; Avci, T. ; Akcay, F. ; Kilic, E.
2024Detection and Identification of Wheat Pest Chaetopteroplia Segetum (coleoptera: Scarabaeidae)Beram, Refika Ceyda ; Tashigul, Nurzhan; Bayindir Erol, Alime
2024Radiopharmaceutical Properties of Hydroxyapatite Smaller Than 50 Nm Produced From Eggshell and Labeled With Tc-99m and Its Biodistribution in RabbitsGultekin, A. ; Ugur, A.; Sulak, M. ; Demirezen, S. ; Yuksel, D. 
2024Are wheat grain, whole meal flour and white flour color values suitable for quality estimation?Keceli, Alaettin 
2024Inhibitory effect of plant essential oils on controlling Alternaria speciesErdoğan, Oktay 
2024Evaluation of Anti-Biofilm and in Vitro Wound Healing Activity of Bacterial Cellulose Loaded with Nanoparticles and BoraxKart, Nur Bozbeyoglu ; Sulak, Mine ; Mutlu, Doğukan; Kuzucu, Volkan; Arslan, Sevki ; Dogan, Nazime Mercan 
2024Efficacy of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. Isolates on Dried Fruit Moth (Plodia interpunctella [Lepidoptera: pyralidae])Bayındır Erol, Alime ; Erdoğan, Oktay ; Sevinç, Mehmet Sedat
2023Investigation of the Effects of Some Plant Activators Against Verticillium Wilt (Verticillium Dahliae Kleb.) on CottonSağlan, Zehra; Erdoğan, Oktay 
2023The effect of two isolates of Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vull. on the larvae of confused flour beetle [Tribolium confusum du Val., 1863 (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)]Bayındır Erol, Alime ; Erdoğan, Oktay ; Karaca, İsmail
2023Bankalarda Entegre Rapor, Özkaynak Maliyeti ve Özkaynak Getirisi İlişkisi: Borsa İstanbul İncelenmesiGündüz, Çağdaş 
2023Daha Fazla Ekonomik Özgürlük, Daha Yüksek Performans? Türkiye ÖrneğiGündüz, Çağdaş 
2023Denizli İli Çivril İlçesinde Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae)’nın Popülasyon Gelişimi ve Bulaşıklık Oranının BelirlenmesiKılıçoğlu, Süleyman Rıfat; Bayındır Erol, Alime 
2023A Comparative Study of the Antiproliferative and Apoptotic Effects of Some Chemotherapeutic Drugs on Neuroblastoma CellsÇelik Turgut, Gurbet 
2023Effect of Salt (NaCl) Against Wilt Disease of Cotton Caused by Verticillium Dahliae Kleb. Under in Vitro ConditionsArıcı, Ş.E.; Erdoğan, Oktay ; Tuncel, Z.N.
2023Economic Effect of Globalization on Island of Mauritius: ARDL Bounds Testing ApproachBeeharry, Zafiira; Demir, Yaşam 
2023Performance evaluation of sustainability in a textile firm via multi-criteria decision-making methodGonca, Şimşek Gündüz ; Çağdaş, Gündüz 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 30