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Title: Chemical, physical and sensory properties of gluten-free potato crackers supplemented with cowpea, faba bean and mung bean flours
Authors: Aslan, S.T.
Isik, F.
Keywords: Amino acid composition
Publisher: Plapiqui
Abstract: In this study, some characteristics of gluten-free potato crackers substituted with cowpea, faba bean and mung bean flours were determined. The crackers containing the legume flours had significantly higher (p < 0.05) fat, protein, insoluble and total dietary fiber, and essential amino acids (EAA) than the control cracker (C) produced with potato flour and starch. The cracker containing faba bean flour (FC) had the highest P, K, Ca, and Zn contents. C recorded the highest L *, cracker containing cowpea flour (CC) recorded the highest a * and FC recorded the highest b* values. C had a higher hardness value than the other crackers, followed by the cracker containing mung bean flour (MC), CC and FC, respectively. SEM micrographs revealed that more cracks and pores were formed when legume flour was added to the crackers. CC, FC and MC scored higher in flavor, chewiness, crispiness and overall acceptability scores than C in sensory analysis. © 2024 Latin American Applied Research. All Rights Reserved.
ISSN: 03270793
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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