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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 120
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Porter’ın Jenerik Rekabet Stratejilerinin Ürün ve Süreç Açısından Analizi: Zincir Marketler ÖrneğiMengüloğlu, Mehmet Ali; İrmiş, Ayşe ; Demirel, Ayten 
2025Do preschoolers imagine different things as their experience expands? A Turkish longitudinal studyGundogan, Aysun 
2024Synthesis, characterization, and investigation of photochemical and in vitro properties of novel Zn(II) phthalocyanineYildiz, Yasemin Baygu ; Kabay, Nilgun ; Yildiz, Burak; Omeroglu, Ipek; Durmus, Mahmut; Karagur, E. Riza; Gok, Yasar
2024Evaluation of the Cytogenetic and Genotoxic Effects of an Abamectin-Based Pesticide on Allium Cepa RootsIli, Pinar ; Sari, Fikret 
2024Evaluation of Antibiofilm and Cytotoxic Activity of Microalgae Isolated from Different Sites of betwata- Erbil/IraqAnwer, Sewgil Saaduldeen; Ali, Ayad Kareem; Kart, Nur Bozbeyoglu ; Mutlu, Dogukan; Beram, Refika Ceyda ; Kuzucu, Volkan; Arslan, Sevki ; Dogan, Nazime Mercan 
2024Culinary trends in future gastronomy: A reviewYıkmış, S.; Türkol, M.; Abdi, G.; İmre, M.; Alkan, G.; Türk, Aslan, S. ; Rabail, R.; Aadil, Rana Muhammad
2024Phenolic acids modulating epigenetic mechanisms in HepG2 human hepatoma cellsMutlu, Doğukan; Dikici, Nevin Kaya; Bozbeyoğlu Kart, Naime Nur ; Arslan, Şevki 
2024Examining the mediating role of e-health literacy in the relationship between COVID-19 awareness and dispositional hope and the experiences of those who survived the diseaseGunlu, A. 
2024Evaluation of Anti-Biofilm and in Vitro Wound Healing Activity of Bacterial Cellulose Loaded with Nanoparticles and BoraxKart, Nur Bozbeyoglu ; Sulak, Mine ; Mutlu, Doğukan; Kuzucu, Volkan; Arslan, Sevki ; Dogan, Nazime Mercan 
2024Biological activities of Liquidambar orientalis: antibiofilm, cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and miRNA expressionsMutlu, D.; Gunal, B. ; Secme, M.; Kart, N.N.B. ; Mete, G.A. ; Dogan, N.M. ; Semiz, G. 
2024İlkel buğday unlarının krakerlerde kullanım potansiyeliIşık, Fatma ; Demir, Yağmur; Aslan, Sinem Türk 
2024Synthesis and characterization of zinc(II) phthalocyanine containing 17-membered macrocyclic moiety as new extractant for the removal of Ag(I) from aqueous solutionBaygu Yıldız, Yasemin 
2024İnsomnia ve Bağırsak MikrobiyotasıDoğan, Nazime Mercan ; Kart, Naime Nur Bozbeyoğlu 
2024Biosourced polymeric cryogels for future biomedical applications with remarkable antimicrobial activities and tribological propertiesGürel, C.M.; Bozbeyoğlu, N.N. ; Yardımcı, B.K. ; Şarkaya, K. ; Mutlu, D.; Akıncıoğlu, S.ı.; Doğan, N.M. ; Arslan, Şevki ; Allı, Abdülkadir
2024Chemical, physical and sensory properties of gluten-free potato crackers supplemented with cowpea, faba bean and mung bean floursAslan, S.T. ; Isik, F. 
2024The Effect of Psychological Inflexibility on Social-Distancing Phobia Mediated by Preoccupation With Sleep and Intolerance of Uncertainty in the Elderly Population During the COVID-19 PandemicChung, Seockhoon; Song, Kayoung; Günlü, Aykut 
2023Pandemi Döneminde Bireyle Psikolojik Danışma Uygulaması Dersi Deneyimi: Fenomenolojik Bir AraştırmaGünlü, Aykut ; Uz Baş, Aslı
2024Synthesis, electropolymerization, and optoelectronic properties of carbazole containing imidazolium based ionic liquidKabay, N. ; Güzel, M. ; Ayranci, R.; Baygu, Y. ; Ak, M. ; Gök, Y.
2023Evaluating Antibiofilm, Cytotoxic and Apoptotic Activities of Scutellaria brevibracteata subsp. brevibracteata Essential OilBozbeyoğlu Kart, Naime Nur ; Günal, Batıkan ; Mutlu, Doğukan; Doğan, Nazime Mercan ; Arslan, Sevki ; Semiz, Gürkan 
2023İzmir kekiği (Origanum onite l.)’ nin kullanın alanlarıPak, Betül 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 120