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Title: What Should Be Taught in Social Studies Classes Depending on Families?
Authors: Tarhan, Özge
Abstract: In this qualitative research; It was determined that which subjects the parents of secondary school students wanted to be taught in the social studies course and which subjects they found important. It has been determined that many studies have been conducted on the Social Studies Curriculum, but no such qualitative study has been conducted on the subjects that parents want to be taught in the social studies course. Qualitative research method was used in the research and critical case sampling, which is one of the purposeful sampling types, was used to determine the participants. A semi-structured interview form was used to collect data. The data obtained from the interviews were given in the form of themes, categories and codes. In addition, direct quotations are included to show the views of the parents in detail. According to the results of the meeting; The subjects that parents want to be taught in the social studies course are arranged according to the learning areas in the social studies curriculum. It is determined that the parents expressed their opinions on the achievements in the learning areas of "Active Citizenship" and "Individual and Society" the highest and "Global Connections" the lowest. However, it is seen that they do not express their opinions about the learning areas of "Culture and Heritage" and "People, Places and Environments". It has been determined that parents need detailed information about the learning areas in the Social Studies Curriculum and the acquisitions related to these areas.
ISSN: 1302-5147
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
TR Dizin İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / TR Dizin Indexed Publications Collection

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