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Title: Mechanical analysis of a PEEK titanium alloy macro-composite hip stem by finite element method
Authors: Güner, Ali Tekin
Koçak, Sait
Meran, Cemal
Keywords: Total hip replacement
Cementless hip prosthesis
Composite stem
Stress shielding
Finite element analysis
Periprosthetic Bone-Density
Hydroxyapatite Coatings
Standardized Femur
Femoral Stem
Publisher: Springer Heidelberg
Abstract: In this paper, numerical modeling and analysis of a HA-coated PEEK/Ti macro-composite hip stem is presented. The macro-composite hip stem consists of a titanium core in the center and a PEEK layer around it and a thin HA coating on the surface. The composite stem was designed and implanted in a standardized human femur bone model in SolidWorks software. The intact and postoperative femur bones were loaded like as in the single-leg stance of the walking gait and the effect of PEEK layer thickness on the internal stresses was analyzed in ANSYS software. Results were compared with an all-metallic stem model. Also, the fatigue strength of the stem and stresses occurring in the implant/coating interface were analyzed. With the composite stem, more homogeneous load distribution could be achieved, thus the stress-shielding effect was considerably reduced. Composite implants with 2 and 3 mm of PEEK layer provided sufficient fatigue strength in accordance with ASTM F2996-13 and ISO 7206-4:2010 standards. Maximum stresses at the coating/implant interface were well below the plasma-sprayed HA coatings strengths on PEEK implants. It is thought that the designed composite model may be an alternative to the standard HA-coated Ti alloy hip implants.
ISSN: 1678-5878
Appears in Collections:Mühendislik Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / Scopus Indexed Publications Collection
Teknoloji Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
WoS İndeksli Yayınlar Koleksiyonu / WoS Indexed Publications Collection

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