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Title: An evaluation of 2Nd grade English curriculum within a participant oriented program evaluation approach
Authors: Kandemir, Anıl
Tok, Şükran
Keywords: 2nd grade English lesson
English curriculum
Participatory evaluation
Program evaluation
Publisher: T.C. Milli Egitim Bakanligi
Abstract: The aim of this study is to evaluate primary second grade English curriculum with a participant oriented program evaluation approach. In this study, which was designed with a sequential explanatory design of mixed method research, teacher views' survey consisted of 62 items; semi-structured interview form, semi- structured focus group interview form and semi-structured observation form, which were developed by the researcher, were used as data collection tools. In the quantitative part of the study, the survey was administered to 104 English teachers who were working and teaching second grade English courses in the primary schools of Pamukkale and Merkezefendi districts of Denizli province. In the qualitative part of the study, an interview was conducted with six English teachers, two focus group interviews were conducted with eight students including four students in each, 16 lesson hours of observation notes were taken in four different classes from three different schools and an interview was conducted with a school principal. In the analysis of quantitative data, percentage, frequency and mean and in the statistical analysis of variables, independent samples t- test and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used. In the analysis of qualitative data, descriptive analysis was used and as a result of analysis, six themes and 18 codes were obtained. According to quantitative findings, it was found that teachers' general views on the curriculum were gathered in the level of "agree" while teachers' views on the objectives, content, teaching and learning process, and evaluation part of the curriculum were gathered in the level of "nor agree or disagree". There is also a statistically significant difference on teachers' views regarding the six items in general views on the curriculum in favour of teachers who are English Language Teaching Department graduates when compared with teachers who are different higher education program graduates. Besides this difference, teachers' views on curriculum have not showed any statistically significant difference in terms of gender, program graduated, seniority, and course book used. In scope of the study, in order to implement curriculum more effectively, it is recommended that allocated time of the course should be increased, and textbooks should be updated by making them include various songs, plays and activities that are appropriate for students' age, interests and levels. It is also recommended that class sizes should be decreased to the level that is suitable for language teaching and learning, and the seating arrangements in classrooms should be redesigned.
ISSN: 1302-5600
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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