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Title: Investigating the attıtudes of pre-service psychological counseling and guidance teachers towards the preparation process of individualized educational program
Authors: Aydemir, Tamer
Coşguner, Tolga
Keywords: Attitude
Psychological counseling and guidance
Special education
Publisher: Sakarya University
Abstract: The basic way in the education to meet the needs of students with special needs in academic, social and self-care skill areas is preparing a functional individualized education program (IEP). Preparing the program by the IEP Team in the school has become mandatory in 63. article of The Special Education Services Regulation. Psychological Counseling And Guidanceteachers are one of the most important part of this team for a functional IEP for students, providing the organization in terms of guidance and meeting the needs of students’ parents. In this context, the purpose of this study is investigating the attidutes 4th grade of the psychological counseling and guidance teacher candidates studying in the education faculty according to preparation process of an individualized education plan. Therefore, the scale of “The Attitudes towards IEP Development Process Scale” developed by Tike, L. and Kargin, T. (2009) is used. The study was designed in descriptive survey model and collected data was analyzed by using statistical analysis methods. In this study the attidutes of pre-service Psychological Counseling and Guidance teachers towards preparation process of IEP was analyzed in terms of different variables such as having a course about special education, gender. And also the results of the other researches in the project were used as independent variables such as attitudes towards inclusion and level of challenges faced during the preparation of IEP of the same participants. © The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
ISSN: 1303-6521
Appears in Collections:Eğitim Fakültesi Koleksiyonu
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