Browsing by Author Sungurtekin, Uğur
Showing results 1 to 20 of 58
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1998 | Acil ve elektif laparoskopik kolesistektomilerde postkolesistektomi sendromu | Erdem, Ergün ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Neşşar, Mehmet |
2000 | Akut pankreatit; etiyoloji ve klinik seyir (20 olgunun irdelenmesi) | Yönetçi, Nadir ; Yılmaz, Mustafa ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Oruç, Nevin |
2004 | Ambulatuvar kolonoskopi: Sedasyon ile mi? Sedasyonsuz mu? | Kurtuluş, Rahşan; Koçer, Zeynep; Barkan, Gülsüm; Dobrucalı, İmren; Yılmaz, Mustafa ; Sungurtekin, Hülya ; Sungurtekin, Uğur |
2010 | Anal fissür tedavisinde anokutanöz V-Y ilerletme flebi | Bolat, Hacı; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Sungurtekin, Hülya |
2010 | Anal/perianal kondiloma akuminata | Sungurtekin, Uğur |
2004 | Anocutaneous V-Y advancement flap for the treatment of complex perianal fistula | Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Sungurtekin, Hülya ; Kabay, Burhan ; Tekin, K. ; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Erdem, Ergün ; Özden, Akın |
2005 | Antithrombin III attenuates pulmonary tissue injury caused by mesenteric ischemia-reperfusion | Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Tekin, Koray ; Kabay, Burhan. ; Erdem, Ergün. ; Guney, Y.; Firat, P.; Sungurtekin, Uğur. |
2002 | Antithrombin III prevents deleterious effects of remote ischemia-reperfusion injury on healing of colonic anastomoses | Tekin, Koray ; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Özden, Akın ; Bilgihan, Ayşe; Erdem, Ergün ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Güney, Yıldız |
2005 | APACHE II, APACHE III, SOFA scoring systems, platelet counts and mortality in septic and non-septic patients | Balcı, Canan; Sungurtekin, Hülya. ; Gürses, Ercan ; Sungurtekin, Uğur. |
1998 | Are postoperative drains necessary with the Limberg flap for treatment | Erdem, Ergün ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Neşşar, Mehmet |
2006 | Circulating complement (C3 and C4) for differentiation of SIRS from sepsis | Sungurtekin, Hülya. ; Sungurtekin, Uğur. ; Balcı, Canan. |
2003 | Comparison of local and spinal anesthesia techniques in inguinal hernia repair | Erdem, Ergün. ; Sungurtekin, Hülya. ; Sungurtekin, Uğur. ; Tetik, C.; Özden, Akın. |
2011 | Comparison of the effects of different intravenous fat emulsions in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsis | Sungurtekin, Hülya ; Degirmenci, S.; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Oguz, B.E.; Sabir, Nuran ; Kaptanoglu, B. |
2004 | Comparison of two nutrition assessment techniques in hospitalized patients | Sungurtekin, Hülya ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Hanci, V.; Erdem, Ergün |
2002 | Ectopic prostatic tissue of the anal canal presenting with rectal bleeding: Report of a case | Tekin, Koray ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Aytekin, Faruk Önder; Çallı, N.; Erdem, Ergün ; Özden, Akın ; Yalçın, Nagihan |
2022 | The Effect of Continuing Chemotherapy after Chemoradiotherapy during the Time to Surgery on Tumor Response and Survival for Local Advanced Rectal Cancer | Demiray, Atike Goekcen ; Yaren, Arzu ; Sungurtekin, Ugur ; Baltalarli, Papatya Bahar ; Demirkan, Nese ; Herek, Duygu ; Taskoeylue, Burcu Yapar ; Dogu, Gamze Goekoez ; Degirmencioglu, Serkan ; Ozgen, Utku ; Saginc, Halil ; Cakiroglu, Umut ; Ozhan, Nail ; Karan, Canan ; Demirel, Burcin Cakan ; Dogan, Tolga ; Ozdemir, Melek |
2020 | The effect of hypocaloric nutrition on surgical complications in patients undergoing major surgery | Ozer, A; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Sungurtekin, Hülya |
2004 | The effect of recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) on trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid-induced colitis in rats - An experimental study | Kara, E; Sungurtekin, H ; Sungurtekin, U ; Alkanat, M; Ilkgul, O |
1997 | The effectiveness of levothyroxine suppressive therapy in patients with multinodular goiter | Erdem, Ergün ; Bostanci, B.; Özden, Akın ; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Nessar, M. |
2016 | Effects of certolizumab on cerulein-ınduced acute pancreatitis in rats | Kösekli, M.A.; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Çobankara, Veli ; Ozmen, O.; Sahinduran, S.; Yilmaz, Mustafa |