Browsing by Author A. Sabir Akkoyunlu, Nuran

Showing results 1 to 20 of 63  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Abdominal Obezitede Mei Zen Akupunktur Uygulamasının Abdominal Kan Akımı ve Klinik Ölçümlerle TakibiŞahin, Füsun ; Akkoyunlu, Nuran Sabir 
2024Artificial Intelligence Applications for Imaging Metabolic Bone DiseasesIsaac, Amanda; Akdogan, Asli Irmak; Dalili, Danoob; Saber, Nuran ; Drobny, David; Guglielmi, Giuseppe; Modat, Marc
2005Aseptic meningitis, venous sinus thrombosis, intracranial hypertension and callosal involvement contemporaneously in a young patient with Behçet's diseaseBir, Levent Sinan ; Sabir, Nuran ; Kılınçer, Ahmet; Çeliker, Arif; Erdogan, Berna Şanlı 
2008Body fat distribution in childhood obesity: Association with metabolic risk factorsSemiz, Serap ; Özgören, E. ; Sabir, Nuran ; Semiz, E. 
2000Can magnetic resonance imaging predict the success of parturition in oxytocin-induced pregnant women?Sabir, N. ; Dicle, O.; Yurdakul, Bünyamin; Akkemik, B. 
1999Carotid artery occlusion due to bacterial paranasal sinusitisÖzüer, Mehmet Ziya; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Yalçın, A. Nevzat; Coşkun, Erdal ; Akkoyunlu, Nuran Sabir 
2018A case with rheumatod arthritis and atraumatic odontoid fracture: disappearence of bony landmarksFındıkoğlu, Gülin ; Ardic, F. ; Akkaya, N. ; Sahin, F.; Sabir, N. ; Cirak, B. 
2008Cerebral lateral ventricular asymmetry on CT: How much asymmetry is representing pathology?Kiroglu, Y.; Karabulut, N.; Öncel, Çağatay ; Yağcı, Baki ; Sabir, Nuran ; Özdemir, Bülent 
2005Clinical utility of sonography in diagnosing plantar fasciitisSabır Akkoyunlu, Nuran ; Demirlenk, S.; Yagci, B. ; Karabulut, Nevzat ; Çubukçu Fırat, Sibel
2004The comparison of anthropometric measurements in determining total body fat and the body fat distributionSermez, Y; Sabir, N ; Fenkci, S ; Ozdes, I; Degirmencioglu, S; Akdam, H
2011Comparison of the effects of different intravenous fat emulsions in patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome and sepsisSungurtekin, Hülya ; Degirmenci, S.; Sungurtekin, Uğur ; Oguz, B.E.; Sabir, Nuran ; Kaptanoglu, B. 
2007Comparison of ultrasonographic and anthropometric methods to assess body fat in childhood obesitySemiz, Serap ; Özgören, Erçin ; Sabir, Nuran A. 
2003Computed tomographic findings of colon herniating through iliac bone defectsYağcı, Ahmet Baki. ; Sabir, Nuran A. ; Kiter, Ahmet Esat. 
2001Correlation of abdominal fat accumulation and liver steatosis: Importance of ultrasonographic and anthropometric measurementsSabir, Nuran ; Sermez, Y.; Kazil, S.; Zencir, M.
2019Corticosteroid-induced Knee Osteonecrosis and Accompanying Femoral Head OsteonecrosisAkkoyunlu Sabir, Nuran ; Ufuk, Furkan 
2006Designing splints for carpal tunnel syndrome patients by sonographic evaluationGungen, G.; Ozgen, M.; Caliskan, S.; Sabir, N. ; Sarsan, A. ; Topuz, O. ; Ardic, F. 
2011Determination of the position on which the median nerve compression is at the lowest in carpal tunnel syndrome and clinical effectiveness of custom splint applicationÖzgen, M.; Güngen, G.; Sarsan, Ayşe ; Ardıç, Füsun ; Çalışkan, Ş.; Sabir, N. ; Taşdelen, G.
2004Doppler waveform of the hepatic veins in an obese populationKarabulut, Nevzat ; Kazıl, Selçuk; Yağcı, Ahmet Baki ; Sabir, Nuran 
2024Dynamic contrast-enhanced mammography and breast MRI in the diagnosis of breast cancer and detection of tumor sizeTekinhatun, M. ; Sabir, N. ; Erdem, E. ; Yilmaz, S. ; Ufuk, F. 
2008Effect of hormone replacement therapy on clitoral artery blood flow in healthy postmenopausal womenAlataş, Erkan ; Yağcı, Baki ; Öztekin, Özer ; Sabir, Nuran