| Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1 | 2019 | Adaptation of "Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills" for Adenotonsillectomy into Turkish: A Validity and Reliability Study | Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Mengi, Erdem ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Şenol, Hande |
2 | 2017 | ANİ İŞİTME KAYIPLI HASTALARDA KURTARMA TEDAVİSİ: İNTRATİMPANİK STEROİD | Kaya, Derya ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Aykal, Bülent Kamil |
3 | 2006 | Caloric test and simultaneous recording of sympathetic skin response | Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet |
4 | 1999 | Carotid artery occlusion due to bacterial paranasal sinusitis | Özüer, Mehmet Ziya; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Yalçın, A. Nevzat; Coşkun, Erdal ; Akkoyunlu, Nuran Sabir |
5 | 2010 | Clinical and electronystagmographical evaluation of vestibular symptoms in relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis | Değirmenci, Eylem ; Bir, Levent Sinan ; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet |
6 | 2024 | Comparison of the Reliability of the House– Brackmann, Facial Nerve Grading System 2.0, and Sunnybrook Facial Grading System for the Evaluation of Patients with Peripheral Facial Paralysis | Mengi, E. ; Kara, C.O. ; Ardıç, F.N. ; Topuz, B. ; Metin, U. ; Alptürk, U. ; Aydemir, G. ; Şenol, Hande |
7 | 2020 | Correlation between surgical outcome and stage of acquired middle ear cholesteatoma: Revalidation of the eaono/jos staging system | Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Mengi, Erdem ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Bir, Ferda |
8 | 2021 | Cost Analysis of Contrast Enhancement in Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Screening Retrocochlear Pathologies in Asymmetric Hearing Loss | Ardic, Fazil Necdet ; Tumkaya, Funda ; Cakmak, Pinar ; Mengi, Erdem ; Senturk, Murat ; Kara, Cuneyt Orhan |
9 | 2020 | Denizli bölgesinde baş-boyun tümörlerinin dağılımı ve klinik kaynak kullanımına etkisi | Ezber, Aslınur; Köroğlu, Melike; Yıldız, Gizem; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet |
10 | 2020 | Detecting Intralabyrinthine Pressure Increase by Postural Manipulation with Wideband Tympanometry and Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions | Yucel, E ; Ardic, FN ; Tumkaya, F ; Kara, CO ; Topuz, B |
11 | 2018 | Direct observation of procedural skills in otorhinolaryngology training. | Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Mengi, Erdem ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Topuz, Bülent ; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet |
12 | 1997 | Does the stapes reflex remain the same after Bell's palsy? | Ardiç, F.N. ; Topaloglu, I.; Öncel, S.; Ardiç, F. ; Uguz, M.Z. |
13 | 2008 | Does tonsillectomy reduce the risk of being a habitual or severe snorer? | Kara, Cüneyt Orhan ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Ardıç, Necdet ; Topuz, Bülent |
14 | 2024 | Dual- and Single-Task Training in Older Adults With Age-Related Hearing Loss: A Randomized Controlled Study | Usta Özdemir, Hande ; Kitis, Ali ; Ardic, Fazil Necdet |
15 | 2008 | Effect of aging in snoring prevalence | Kara, CO ; Zencir, M; Tumkaya, F ; Topuz, B ; Ardic, N |
16 | 2024 | The effect of cochlear implant stimulation on postural control | Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Tümkaya, Funda ; Atıgan, Alev ; Ardic, Fusun |
17 | 2020 | The effect of head roll and soft surface on Virtual SVV in healthy subjects: A normalization study | Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Senturk, M ; Çil, Taylan |
18 | 2022 | Effectiveness of conventional versus virtual reality-based vestibular rehabilitation exercises in elderly patients with dizziness: a randomized controlled study with 6-month follow-up | Kanyılmaz T.; Topuz O. ; Ardıç, F.N. ; Alkan, H. ; Öztekin, S.N.S.; Topuz, B. ; Ardıç, F. |
19 | 2000 | The effects of changing middle ear pressure and gas partial pressure on mucosal blood flow and vascular permeability in the chinchilla | Alper, C.M.; Ardıç, Fazıl Necdet ; Doyle, W.J. |
20 | 2007 | Effects of valproate on vestibular symptoms and electronystagmographic findings in migraine patients | Çeliker, A.; Bir, Levent Sinan. ; Ardıç, Necdet Fazıl |