Showing results 1 to 20 of 50
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2009 | ACE gene polymorphism and cardiac structure in patients with insulin resistance | Akın, Fulya ; Turgut, Sebahat ; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Turgut, Günfer ; Karasu, U. ; Gur, S. |
2010 | Angiotensin-converting enzyme gene polymorphism in overweight and obese Turkish patients with insulin resistance | Akin, F.; Turgut, Sebahat ; Bastemir, M.; Turgut, Günfer ; Kursunluoglu, R.; Karasu, U. ; Guclu, A. |
2023 | Ankilozan spondilitli bireylerde spinal mobiliteyi etkileyen faktörler | Gür Kabul, Elif ; Başakcı Çalık, Bilge ; Kuru, Sinem; Karasu, Uğur |
2023 | Association between choroidal thickness and interstitial lung disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A cross-sectional study | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Savurmuş, Nilüfer; Karasu, Uğur ; Kaya, Hüseyin ; Ufuk, Furkan ; Utebey, Ayse Rüksan ; Çobankara, Veli ; Yigit, Murat |
2023 | The Association of Physical Activity Level with Body Awareness and Balance in Individuals with Ankylosing Spondylitis | Büke, Meryem ; Çetişli Korkmaz, Nilüfer ; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Karasu, Uğur |
2020 | Behçet hastalarında adamts-13 metalloproteaz ve von willebrand faktör düzeylerinin hastalık aktivitesi ile ilişkisi var mı | Erkek Tüfek, Merve |
2022 | Comprehensive health assessment based on ICF components using the WOMAC index in patients with osteoarthritis | Gu Kabul E.; Caglayan B.C.; Basakci Calik B. ; Kaymaz S.; Karasu U. |
2019 | DESCRIPTION OF INDIVIDUALS WITH FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME | Çağlayan, Berna Çağla; Gür Kabul, Elif ; Keskin, Aylin; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Karasu, Uğur |
2020 | Effects of clinical Pilates exercises in individuals with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial. | Çağlayan, Berna Çağla; Keskin, Aylin; Gür Kabul, Elif ; Başakcı Çalık, Bilge ; Baş Aslan, Ummuhan ; Karasu, Uğur |
2019 | THE EFFECTS OF CLINICAL PILATES TRAINING IN PATIENTS WITH FIBROMYALGIA: A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED TRIAL | Çaglayan, Berna Çağla; Keskin, Aylin; Gür Kabul, Elif ; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Baş Aslan, Ummuhan ; Karasu, Uğur |
2022 | Efficacy of local oxygen-ozone therapy for the treatment of digital ulcer refractory to medical therapy in systemic sclerosis: A randomized controlled study | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Karasu, Ugur ; Alkan, Hakan ; Ulutas, Firdevs ; Albayrak Yasar, Canan ; Dundar Ok, Zeynep ; Cobankara, Veli ; Yigit, Murat ; Yildiz, Necmettin ; Ardic, Fusun |
2022 | Evaluation of the controlling nutritional status score and prognostic nutritional index in patients with familial Mediterranean fever | Ulutas, Firdevs ; Cobankara, Veli ; Karasu, Ugur ; Kaymaz, Serdar ; Yasar, Canan Albayrak ; Ok, Zeynep Dundar |
2021 | Fibromiyaljili Bireylerde Yaşın Kavrama Kuvveti, Uyku Kalitesi ve Depresyona Etkisi: Karşılaştırmalı Bir Çalışma | Çetin, Sebahat Yaprak ; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Karasu, Uğur ; Gür Kabul, Elif |
2022 | The First Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic on Starting Biological Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs: Outcomes from the TReasure Real-Life Database | Kanitez, Nilufer Alpay; Kiraz, Sedat; Dalkılıç, Ediz; Kimyon, Gezmiş; Mercan, Rıdvan; Karadağ, Ömer; Beş, Cemal; Kilic, Levent; Akar, Servet; Ates, Askin; Emmungil, Hakan; Ertenli, Ihsan; Pehlivan, Yavuz; Coskun, Belkis Nihan; Yagiz, Burcu; Ersozlu, Duygu; Gonullu, Emel; Cinar, Muhammet; Kasifoglu, Timucin; Koca, Suleyman Serdar; Karasu, Ugur ; Kucuksahin, Orhan; Kalyoncu, Umut |
2020 | Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy presenting as rheumatoid arthritis mimicker: A case report | Ulutaş, Firdevs ; Ulu, Meral; Karasu, Uğur ; Çobankara, Veli |
2019 | Investigation of effect of disease and related factors in individuals with fibromyalgia | Calik, BB ; Keskin, A; Kabul, EG; Caglayan, BC; Karasu, U |
2023 | Investigation of effectiveness of reformer pilates in individuals with fibromyalgia: A randomized controlled trial | Caglayan, Berna Cagla; Başakçı Çalık, Bilge ; Gür Kabul, Elif ; Karasu, Uğur |
2023 | Investigation of the relationship between interferon-gamma receptor 1-56C/ T gene polymorphism and genetic susceptibility to lung sarcoidosis: A cross-sectional study [2] | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Kavas, Murat; Demiray, Aydın ; Karasu, Uğur ; Çobankara, Veli ; Boğa, Sibel |
2023 | Investigation of the relationship between interferon-gamma receptor 1-56C/T gene polymorphism and genetic susceptibility to lung sarcoidosis: A cross-sectional study | Kaymaz, Serdar ; Kavas, Murat; Demiray, Aydin ; Karasu, Ugur ; Cobankara, Veli ; Boga, Sibel |
2023 | Investigation of The Relationship Between Ptpn22 Polymorphisms and Lung Sarcoidosis: A Cross Sectional Study | Kaymaz, S.; Kavas, M.; Demiray, Aydın ; Karasu, Uğur ; Çobankara, Veli ; Boğa, S. |