Browsing by Author Elçi, Latif

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2003Altının amberlit XAD-2000 kolonuyla zenginleştirilmesiŞahan, Derya
2001Application of solid-phase extraction for the preconcentration and separation of trace amounts of cobalt from urineSoylak, Mustafa; Elçi, Latif ; Narin, İbrahim; Doğan, Mehmet
2003An application of sorbent extraction procedure on chromotrope 2R-coated amberlite XAD-1180 for the atomic absorption spectrometric determinations of copper, iron and lead ions in natural water samplesSoylak, M.; Saracoglu, S.; Elçi, Latif 
2004Application of the HMDTC-HMA coprecipitation method for the enrichment and atomic absorption spectrometric determination of some trace metal ions in various samplesSoylak, Mustafa.; Özcan, Bilal.; Elci, Latif. 
2004Application of the sequential extraction procedure for dust samples from Kayseri-TurkeySoylak, M.; Uzek, U.; Narin, I.; Tüzen, M.; Turkoglu, O.; Elci, L. 
2003Application of the solid-phase extraction procedure on chromatographic mini column filled with Diaion HP-20 for determination of copper, cobalt, cadmium, iron and manganese in textile products and textile wastewatersSoylak, M.; Akkaya, Y.; Elçi, Latif 
2016Assessment of heavy metal levels in street dust samples from Denizli, Turkey, and analysis by flame atomic absorption spectrometryAkdoğan, Abdullah ; Divrikli, Ümit ; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif 
2001Atomic absorption spectrometric determination of copper, cobalt, cadmium, lead, nickel and chromium in table salt samples after preconcentration on activated carbonSoylak, M.; Narin, I.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
2020Bazı eser metal iyonlarının önderiştirilmesi ve krom türlemesi için politiyofen kaplı fe3o4 nanoparçacık kullanımıSodan, Nilgün Elyas
2012Bazı fenolik bileşiklerin kromatografik tayinleriKartal, Aslıhan Arslan 
2012Biosorption characteristics of indigenous plant material for trivalent arsenic removal from groundwater: equilibrium and kinetic studiesBaig, J.A.; Kazi, T.G.; Elçi, Latif 
2002Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water Samples from Yozgat, TurkeySoylak, M.; Armagan Aydin, F.; Saracoglu, S.; Elci, Latif. ; Dogan, M.
2001Chemical analysis of industrial waste water samples from some metal and textile plants in the organized industrial region of Kayseri, TurkeySoylak, M.; Uzun, A.; Elçi, Latif 
2008Chromium speciation by solid phase extraction on Dowex M 4195 chelating resin and determination by atomic absorption spectrometrySaygi, K.O.; Tuzen, M.; Soylak, M.; Elçi, Latif. 
2018Chromium speciation using an aminated amberlite XAD-4 resin column combined with microsample injection-flame atomic absorption spectrometryAksoy, Erkan; Elçi, Şükrü Gökhan ; Siyal, A.N.; Elçi, Latif 
2002Chromium, iron and lead determinations by atomic absorption spectrometry in urine after enrichment on cellulose nitrate membrane filter systemDivrikli, Ümit ; Soylak, Mustafa; Elçi, Latif 
2002Cobalt determination in natural water and table salt samples by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy/on-line solid phase extraction combinationKaratepe, A.U.; Soylak, Mustafa; Elçi, Latif 
2003Column preconcentration/separation and atomic absorption spectrometric determinations of some heavy metals in table salt samples using Amberlite XAD-1180Soylak, M.; Karatepe, A.U.; Elçi, Latif ; Dogan, M.
2004Column solid phase extraction of copper, iron, and zinc ions at trace levels in environmental samples on amberlite XAD-7 for their flame atomic absorption spectrometric determinationsTuzen, M.; Soylak, M.; Elci, L. ; Dogan, M.
2002Column solid-phase extraction with Chromosorb-102 resin and determination of trace elements in water and sediment samples by flame atomic absorption spectrometrySaraçolu, S.; Elçi, L.