Browsing by Author Sarıgöl, Mehmet Ali

Showing results 1 to 20 of 47  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2019Absolute almost weighted summability methodsSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2018Absolute cesàro series spaces and matrix operatorsCanan Hazar, G. ; Sarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2023Applications of uniform boundedness principle to matrix transformationsSarıgöl, M. A. 
2021Banach spaces of absolutely k-summable seriesSarigol, Mehmet Ali ; Agarwal, Ravi P.
2003Bazı dizi uzayları ve dualleriCihan, Ali
2002Bazı dizi uzayları, dualleri ve matris dönüşümleriAtlıhan, Özlem Girgin 
1995Characterization of absolute summability factorsSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali ; Bor, Hüseyin
2011Characterization of general summability factors and applicationsSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2013Characterization of summability methods with high indicesSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2019Characterization of the compact operators on the class (bv, b v k ?)Gökçe, Fadime ; Sarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2018Compact and matrix operators on the space |C,-1| kCanan Hazar Güleç, Güllü ; Ali Sarigöl, M. 
Nov-2019Extension of Maddox's space l(mu) with Norlund meansGökçe, Fadime ; Sarigöl, Mehmet Ali 
2015Extension of Mazhar's theorem on summability factorsSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2023Four dimensional matrix mappings and applicationsSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2023Four dimensional matrix mappings on double summable spacesSarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
4-Jul-2019Generalization of the absolute cesaro space and some matrix transformationsGökçe, Fadime ; Sarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
15-Jun-2018Generalization of the space l(p) derived by absolute Euler summability and matrix operatorsGökçe, Fadime ; Sarıgöl, Mehmet Ali 
2021Hausdorff measure of noncompactness of certain matrix operators on absolute norlund spacesGulec, Canan Hazar ; Sarigol, Mehmet Ali 
2021Hausdorff Measure of Noncompactness of Matrix Mappings on Cesaro SpacesGulec, G. Canan Hazar ; Sarigol, M. Ali