Browsing by Author Semiz, Ender

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2006Angiographic detection of the left anterior descending and the right coronary artery after fistulas into the pulmonary artery in a patient with rheumatic mitral stenosisTanrıverdi, Halil. ; Şeleci, Deniz; Semiz, Ender 
2007Anomalous origin of the left circumflex coronary artery: A case reportDursunoğlu, Dursun ; Özalp, G.; Taşköylü, Ö.; Semiz, E. 
2008Body fat distribution in childhood obesity: Association with metabolic risk factorsSemiz, Serap ; Özgören, E. ; Sabir, Nuran ; Semiz, E. 
2007A Case With Complete Atrioventricular Block Related to Mad Honey IntoxicationDursunoğlu, Dursun. ; Gür, Şükrü ; Semiz, Ender 
2007Catheter entrapment during balloon angioplasty in patient with in-stent restenosis: An unusual complication and its surgical managementGökşin, İbrahim. ; Baltalarlı, Ahmet ; Semiz, Ender ; Gurses, E. ; Sacar, M. ; Özcan, Ali Vefa. ; Sungurtekin, Hülya. 
2003Comparison of initial efficacy and long-term follow-up of heparin-coated Jostent with conventional NIR stentSemiz, Ender ; Ermiş, C.; Yalçinkaya, S.; Sancaktar, O.; Deger, N.
2008Congenital lymphoedema, bronchiectasis and seizure: Case reportSemiz, Serap ; Dagdeviren, E.; Ergin, H. ; Kilic, I.; Kirac, S. ; Cimbis, M.; Semiz, E. 
2010Decreased plasma adiponectin concentrations in patients with syndrome XSusam, I.; Yaylalı, Yalın Tolga ; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Göksoy, H.; Öztürk, M.; Yaylalı, Olga ; Semiz, E. 
2005Improved endothelium dependent vasodilation in endurance athletes and its relation with ACE I/D polymorphismTanriverdi, Halil ; Evrengul, Harun ; Tanriverdi, Seyhan; Turgut, Sebahat ; Akdag, B. ; Kaftan, Havane Asuman ; Semiz, Ender 
2003Ischemic preconditioningEvrengül, Harun ; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Semiz, Ender 
2005Kardiyak hipertrofi ve anjiyotensin dönüştürücü enzim gen polimorfizmiTanrıverdi, Halil ; Evrengül, Harun ; Yaylalı, Yalın Tolga ; Semiz, Ender 
2008Koroner arter hastalığı olan bireylerde endotelyal nitrik oksit sentaz (Glu298Asp) gen polimorfizmi ile hemoreolojik parametreler arasındaki ilişkinin araştırılmasıKüçükatay, Bor Melek ; Demir, Süleyman ; Akbay, Ramazan ; Dursunoğlu, Dursun ; Semiz, Ender 
2004Koroner arter hastalığı olan ve olmayanlarda pulmoner arter basınçlarının sağ ventrikül miyokard performans indeksi yöntemiyle saptanması ve diğer yöntemlerle araşılaştırılmasıYurtseven, Zeki
2007Metabolic syndrome in childhood obesitySemiz, Serap ; Bican, Mevlüt; Çakaloz, Inanç; Semiz, Ender 
2003Mitral valve prolapse syndrome: Orthostatic hypotension and physiopathology of its clinical symptomatholgiesDursunoğlu, Dursun ; Evrengül, Harun ; Semiz, Ender 
2012Paraoxonase-1 activity and the levels of lipids and lipid peroxidation markers in arterial versus venous blood samples in coronary angiography patientsGöçmen, A.Y.; Gumuşlu, S.; Gunaydin, I.; Semiz, Ender 
2009Pseudohypoparathyroidism type IA (PHP-Ia): Maternally inherited GNAS gene mutationSemiz, Serap ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Candemir, M.; Caner, Vildan ; Thiele, S.; Semiz, E. ; Hiort, O.
2010Relationship between hemorheology and Glu(298)Asp polymorphism of endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene in patients with coronary artery diseaseBor-Küçükatay, Melek ; Demir, Süleyman ; Akbay, R.; Dursunoglu, Dursun ; Akdağ, Beyza ; Semiz, E. 
2007Right coronary artery arising as a terminal extension of the left circumflex artery (a rare coronary artery anomaly)Tanverdi, Halil ; Şeleci, D.; Kuru, Ö.; Semiz, E. 
2008Sol atriyoventriküler oluktaki ekojenik dairesel yapılar ve tanısal önemi: Dilate koroner sinüs, persistan sol süperior vena kava ve hipoplastik sağ süperior vena kavalı sekundum atriyal septal defekt olgusuGökşin, İbrahim ; Baltalarlı, Ahmet ; Saçar, Mustafa ; Sungurtekin, Hülya ; Semiz, Ender