Browsing by Author Zencir, Sevil

Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2005Association of homozygote pericentric inversion of chromosome 7 (inv(7)(p11.2q22)) with autosomal recessive lissencephaly and RELN mutationDüzcan, Füsun ; Chang, B. S.; Cinbis, M. ; Ozdel, O. ; Atmaca, M.; Zencir, S. ; Kim, S.
2009Biological activity of bis-benzimidazole derivatives on DNA topoisomerase i and HeLa, MCF7 and A431 cellsAlpan, A.S. ; Zencir, Sevil ; Zupkó, I.; Coban, G.; Rthy, B.; Gunes, H.S.; Topcu, Z.
2009Cytotoxic activity of 4'-hydroxychalcone derivatives against Jurkat cells and their effects on mammalian DNA topoisomerase iGul, H.I.; Cizmecioglu, M.; Zencir, Sevil ; Gul, M.; Canturk, P.; Atalay, M.; Topcu, Z.
2005Denizli ilinde akraba evliliği sıklığı ve tıbbi sonuçlarıZencir, Sevil 
2008Detection of cytochrome P450-2A6, -3A5 and -4B1 with real-time polymerase chain reaction in prostate tissueZencir, S. ; Alptekin, D.; Celiktas, M.; Canturk, P.; Colak, D.; Caner, Vildan. ; Luleyap, U.H.
2005Diazolu ve schiff bazlı kaliks[4]aren bileşikleri ve metal kompleksleriZencir, Sevil 
2016Effects of Secondary Metabolites from the Fungus Septofusidium berolinense on DNA Cleavage Mediated by Human Topoisomerase II?Vann, K.R.; Ekiz, G.; Zencir, Sevil ; Bedir, E.; Topcu, Z.; Osheroff, N.
2016GCN5 participates in ADA3 partnership as revealed with yeast hybridCaliskan, G; Barış, İkbal Cansu ; Ayaydin, F; Senarisoy, M; Boros, IM; Topcu, Z; Zencir, S 
2007Genotyping of Helicobacter pylori strains from patients with chronic gastritis and duodenal ulcer diseaseCaner, Vildan ; Yilmaz, M ; Yonetci, N; Zencir, S ; Karagenç, Nedim ; Kaleli, I ; Demirkan, Neşe 
2013Gossypol Interferes with Both Type I and Type II Topoisomerase Activities Without Generating Strand BreaksSenarisoy, M.; Canturk, P.; Zencir, Sevil ; Baran, Y.; Topcu, Z.
2007H pylori iceA alleles are disease-specific virulence factorsCaner, Vildan ; Yılmaz, Mustafa ; Yonetci, Nadir ; Zencir, Sevil ; Karagenc, N. ; Kaleli, İlknur ; Bağcı, Hüseyin 
2015Histon Asetil Transferaz Komplekslerinin Bileşenleri Olan ADA Proteinlerinin MolekülerEtkileşimlerinin Biyolojik KarakterizasyonuZencir, Sevil ; Barış, İ. Cansu ; Topcu, Zeki
2013Identification of transcriptional and phosphatase regulators as interaction partners of human ADA3, a component of histone acetyltransferase complexesZencir, Sevil ; Sike, A.; Dobson, M.J.; Ayaydin, F.; Boros, I.; Topcu, Z.
2016Inhibition of human DNA topoisomerase II? by two novel ellipticine derivativesVann, K.R.; Ergün, Y.; Zencir, Sevil ; Oncuoglu, S.; Osheroff, N.; Topcu, Z.
2010The mRNA Expression of cytochrome P450 isoforms in human gastric tissueCanturk, P.; Caner, Vildan ; Oruc, N.; Akarca, U.S.; Tepeli, E. ; Cetin, O.G.; Zencir, S. 
2013New partner proteins containing novel internal recognition motif for human glutaminase interacting protein (hGIP)Zencir, Sevil ; Banerjee, M.; Dobson, M.J.; Ayaydin, F.; Fodor, E.A.; Topcu, Z.; Mohanty, S.
2008No strong association between HER-2/neu protein overexpression and gene amplification in high-grade invasive urothelial carcinomasCaner, Vildan ; Türk, Nilay Şen ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Tufan, N.L.S. ; Kelten, Esra Canan ; Zencir, S. ; Dodurga, Yavuz 
2007No strong association between HER-2/neu protein overexpression and gene amplification in high-grade urothelial carcinomasCaner, Vildan ; Şen Türk, Nilay ; Düzcan, Füsun ; Tufan, NLS ; Kelten, EC ; Zencir, S ; Dodurga, Yavuz 
2012The objectivity of reporters: Interference between physically unlinked promoters affects reporter gene expression in transient transfection experimentsHuliák, I.; Sike, A.; Zencir, Sevil ; Boros, I.M.
2015Requirement of the FATC domain of protein kinase Tel1 for localization to DNA ends and target protein recognitionOgi, H.; Goto, G.H.; Ghosh, A.; Zencir, Sevil ; Henry, E.; Sugimoto, K.